Favorite statuses about death. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of the loss of a loved one

For us, he is alive and somewhere nearby,
In memories, in heart and in dreams
The soul is always alive, she knows everything
And see how we suffer now!
There was more than one angel in heaven,
And it's obvious, I know for sure!
Today, tomorrow and all my life
We remember, love and mourn!

I feel bad without him... Unbearable
I just exist, don't live
Oh Lord, give me some strength!
I don't ask for more

Separation cuts more and more, strangles
There is no air. Only bitter gray smoke
All sounds strain the ear and the soul,
And the world became somehow gray empty

Closing my eyes, I imagine that he is near,
Will pierce the heart with a trembling in the chest,
His face with a blank and sad look
And quietly I whisper: "Don't go..."

You left so fast
We didn't say goodbye
It's amazing before
We didn't even talk.

Every time at night
I'm sad...
You know, Arkashik,
I miss you, waiting...

You are far away - out of the communication zone
And unavailable - I'm so sorry
How I want to hear your voice
And tell your sadness
Talk about what happened
About what will dream.
I appreciated from a distance
How can you understand me.
You are the older brother - my support,
The closest friend. The fact,
I know we'll meet soon
When we arrive at our father's house.
Well, until I see you
And you have to wait, whatever one may say,
All I hear on my phone is:
"...Out of network coverage."

The soul shrinks into a ball,
He was given a short sentence.
And he couldn't do much.
Although I wanted to continue to live, I could,
But alas...
Time is over and life is too short.
And it's not easy to leave, but you can't return anything,
A sharp knife to the heart...
And it's better not to touch anything,
Wanted to help? well...
You can't help anything
And the strip of the knife will not grow together
You die slowly
You scream like you're not breathing
But all in vain .. He left for another world forever ...

You left, the whole world faded ...
my heart is already beating a little...
I don't believe that you are gone.
Why did it all happen?
You left, taking everything with you ...
There were tears in my eyes...
And in the heart there is only a silent pain ...
We will always remember YOU...

Hearts are burning and candles are crying
For our dear ones.
And in the early morning, afternoon and evening
We remember them, yearn and mourn
We ask their souls eternal rest
Save love and memory
And we pray on our knees
And again we yearn and mourn.

All poems for you, my angel,
Pain pierces through every word
And the soul does not find its peace
Until we are together again.

You will live forever in memory
And no matter what anyone says
There, behind the cemetery fence,
The world remembers you.
People like you will never be forgotten
Eyes will shine with tears.
And for a very long time people will still be
Carry you bouquets of scarlet roses.
Are you sleeping. But everything is so unusual.
Everything reminds me of you.
And only the rain is so quiet, barely audible
Knocking. As if saying hello.

It's so hard for me to live without you
And you - you tease and disturb.
You can't replace me
The whole world .... But it seems that you can.
I have mine in the world:
Deeds, successes and misfortunes.
I just miss you
For complete human happiness.
It's so hard for me to live without you
Everything is uncomfortable, everything is disturbing ...
You cannot replace the world,
But after all and he you not can!

You are in my heart forever...
So it was, is and will be...
My love can't be killed
Let people know...
And even on the day
That dark day...
She wasn't exterminated...
She is always with me like a shadow...
My dear and beloved...
My love can't be killed...

Our loved ones don't die
They return with warm rain.
They even come back from paradise
To see how we love and wait.
Running through the gardens and across the field,
Having drunk, and flowers and forests,
Taking a deep breath of native air,
Rise up - into the sky.
Rise up - evaporation,
Turning into a cloud again.
And again they spill - a downpour,
To see our love
Our loved ones don't die.

A man lived and suddenly he was gone.
His heart stopped beating.
Mom is crying, my love is crying
What have you done, you ruined it.
But it could have been different
And do not help grief by crying.
You don't know how to live on
Only in life you forget to love.

The voice of the native is not heard,
You can't see the kind, sweet eyes.
Why was fate cruel?
How early you left us!
Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.
Nobody could save you
Passed away too soon.
But the bright image is your own
We will always remember...

When the closest one leaves,
Native, beloved person.
The whole world will appear as a bitter drama
Where everything turns black, even the snow.
And never! Nothing in the world
The warmth of their hands cannot be replaced.
As long as you're alive, don't be stingy
Give love to family...

Loved ones don't die.
Don't cry for those who leave.
After all, it's only candles that melt,
Hearts don't fade, no...

Don't curse, don't blame
You are nobody and nothing.
Lovers soar like birds
And they are calm and easy.

Loved ones don't leave.
They will be with us forever
Protecting, warming
Day by day, hour by hour.

Loved ones don't disappear.
They live in me, in you,
Spring with nature bloom
And the stars burn in the darkness.

Loved ones don't die.
Don't cry for those who leave.
After all, it's only candles that melt,
Hearts don't fade, no...

Statuses about death are for those who know firsthand the pain of loss. Even though this is a very sad topic, we need to know more about it.

Death must be met with dignity

  1. On the edge of death, it is good to be that you feel life more vividly ...
  2. Do you have things that you definitely need to have time to do in your lifetime?
  3. Yes, death is cruel. But without it, we would not have felt the full brightness of life!
  4. I don't want death to come for the people I love. Never.
  5. Time will take a lot. And then death just happens.
  6. We are not afraid of death. We, as always, are afraid of the unknown.
  7. If you want more light, just enjoy life right now!
  8. I don't want to face death, but there are so many questions I would like to ask her...
  9. You have the right to die. And it appears as soon as you are born.
  10. You can not be afraid of death, but look at it point-blank will not work. At least for a long time.
  11. In my opinion, it is easier to just die than to die in the eyes of a loved one.
  12. I do not believe in heaven, I believe that you can try to create it on Earth!
  13. It is unbearable when someone dear leaves for another world. And how to get yourself out of this state?
  14. I'm not afraid of death. I'm just afraid that I'll have to leave or be left alone ...
  15. Death is always much closer than it seems.
  16. It doesn't matter what you die from. What matters is why.
  17. And if you just imagine what would happen if life were eternal?
  18. In life, you need to learn how to rest properly. And then what kind of rest in the coffin?
  19. The motivation for me looks like this: death takes everything and everyone, but you work on yourself ...
  20. Since when did it become fashionable to want death?
  21. We know very little about death. Yes, and about life, in general, heard a little.
  22. We are all afraid of death. But we don’t notice that if we live it too thoughtlessly, you don’t need life at all.
  23. I wish you nothing and never know about death.
  24. Death separates only some couples. Everything else is life.
  25. Let's smile, stretch out our hands to each other, help if necessary. After all, life is too short.
  26. Love me while I'm alive. You know, I don't need no "later".
  27. The last day is not to be feared. Yes, and to be afraid, to think about it, in general, is not worth it.
  28. But what if there really is no death, but only emptiness?
  29. In life, it is important to have something that will distract from thoughts - both about death and about an empty life ...
  30. You don't have to complain about life like that. It is not known what will happen next, but here, at least, there is definitely love!

So I would like to know less about death

There are very different situations in life, you need to be able to get divorced emotionally. Perhaps this can be done with the help of statuses about death to tears.

  1. Do good while you're alive. And we'll deal with the rest.
  2. Death is another confirmation that we are too small in this world.
  3. I don't want anyone to die. I just want no one to interfere with my life.
  4. Being afraid of death is probably difficult, but I'll try anyway.
  5. It is said that many die too soon. But are there those who die too late?
  6. Death is perhaps even beautiful. But only if it doesn't concern you personally.
  7. "Live before you die." Yes, if you have not learned to live, then death will not teach you ...
  8. Anyone who has seen death understands that life should not be exchanged for empty things.
  9. We are so afraid of death, but on the other hand, we are ready to endure pain every day.
  10. Death can be found even lying on the couch, but to find life, you need to try.
  11. No one knows where he will have to die. And maybe that's for the best!
  12. Death is really the same. This life is given to us in order to somehow diversify everything.
  13. Don't be afraid of anyone or anything. As long as you are alive, everything can be fixed.
  14. I don't know how to live on. He was too young...
  15. What do words of condolence actually mean? But thank you already for trying to somehow empathize ...
  16. And, you know, do not be sad. If you haven't died yet, then something in your life is definitely going well!
  17. There are too many fakes in this life. Sometimes you want to leave it, but you don’t want others to leave.
  18. None of us is afraid of death. In fact, everyone is afraid that their life will end. And this is something else.
  19. Will the world notice the difference if I leave? This is what worries me.
  20. Fearing death is stupid. We don't know what it is...
  21. In my opinion, the only difference between the day of death and the others is that it is shorter. Sometimes - a little.
  22. What if no one leaves on time and everyone dies prematurely? Or vice versa - no one dies in time?
  23. It is not cynics who talk calmly about death, but those who have never suffered from it.
  24. Nobody can be completely unique. Even if you die, you still join the majority.
  25. The most terrible feeling is when you have to regret that you survived ...
  26. Time is killing us. Oxygen is killing us. Food is killing us. Everything is killing us.

Everyone can die. And you find the strength to live

Sad statuses with a meaning about death - when you want to reflect the dark side of your life. Be that as it may, with the help of the following phrases it can be done beautifully.

  1. Death is impossible to understand. Until she takes the person you truly love.
  2. They think about death in two cases: when it hurts a lot, and ... when there is absolutely nothing to do.
  3. I sincerely respect people who value life. But I'm scared for them, because this skill is not just given!
  4. The next time you are afraid of death, remember: being dead is not scary at all ...
  5. Those suffering from death are those who have sick relatives or friends who leave forever. Everything else is nonsense.
  6. Your mission is not over yet, because you are reading this status, which means you are still alive.
  7. There are friends for whom it is not a pity to die. And there are those for which you will not spend even a minute of your life ...
  8. Death cannot be beautiful. AT real life it's not like that at all!
  9. No one can escape death, but you can make your life so wonderful that you just can't imagine!
  10. In life, the main thing is not work, not money, and not even love. The most important thing in life is that you are alive.
  11. Do you know what can be worse than death? Constant thoughts about her!
  12. We could be wonderful people. Death interfered, and perhaps a thoughtless life.
  13. You're young, which means you're much less likely to die. And this is already great.
  14. Like it or not, everything revolves around when we come into this world and when we leave it...
  15. Everyone is afraid to die. And yet, someone knows why he does it.
  16. We are too mired in negativity, and do not notice that we are conquering death. By the way, every time we inhale and exhale.
  17. It is terrible to die today, but somehow later - it does not matter.
  18. Everyone is lucky only to a certain extent. No one will be able to leave this world alive.
  19. I'm not afraid to die. The only fear is what the people I love will feel!
  20. Most of all, those people who have not really lived their lives are afraid of dying.
  21. One thing awaits us all, eternity. But we have time to fill life with a bright flash. Let a little...
  22. We are born and we die alone. Well, everything else can almost always be shared with someone.
  23. We don't know anything about each other. However, as life with death.
  24. You can always go to the next world. But in order to leave without regret, here the light will need to be turned off.

Statuses about death in VK to tears give hope. To the fact that while we are alive, it can still be good.

The status of a deceased person should be as restrained as possible, but at the same time, express the strong emotions of the sufferer. It - difficult topic for discussion, but, as you know, friends are the people with whom you need to share everything.

The hardest thing is to erase the memories

  1. The more time passes, the longer I live without you. And this is terrible.
  2. I have countless questions for you. To which I never get answers.
  3. When a star falls in the sky, I no longer make wishes. I just hope that at this moment you are somewhere and thinking of me.
  4. Everyone says forget and let go. But how to do it if you were the most important person in my life?!
  5. When those you truly appreciate leave, you begin to realize that you took too few pictures and talked too little about important things.
  6. It's hard to imagine that I'll ever be able to attach to someone even for a second in the same way as to you.
  7. If traces remain from the steps, then deep wounds in the heart remain from the departure of loved ones.
  8. You know, it’s easier for me to accept that you are in hell or left me for another than to realize that you are no longer in the whole wide world ...
  9. I'm not going to forget you. Whoever says anything, and whoever claims anything ...
  10. You weren't the prettiest, and you weren't the funniest. But now I realized that you were the closest to my heart!
  11. I know that I am only obliged to remember you, but in fact I am in love to the point of unconsciousness.
  12. How sad it is when you bring only sweets and inanimate flowers to meet your mother.
  13. You get used to everything, even to the fact that you no longer have the most beloved person. But true love does not die even in such conditions ...
  14. Time passed, and quarrels left the memory. And now I remember you as the most beautiful, kindest and good person.
  15. Although you are gone, I know, dad, from the immense height of heaven you are praying for me ...
  16. I will definitely remember you. I will also remember the pain I felt when you left.

How I wish death was just a stranger

The pain of loss is the strongest emotion a person can experience. At this moment, a person wants to be understood - sad statuses about death.

  1. You are my main sorrow. Even if you don't exist.
  2. Death loved one It's definitely not something that can be described. It's always something too deep.
  3. Now I can become selfish, sociopathic and even alcoholic. Because I have no one else to be good to.
  4. Death is what destroys plans. This is what turns the mind around. This is something that is inexorable.
  5. At first, I thought that I would scream or not be able to survive at all. But everything turned out to be simpler - the world instantly became unusually empty.
  6. Since you left, I often have to lie. Lie that I'm fine...
  7. The pain is unbearable when you have to part by the will of fate, and not by the will of at least one of you.
  8. I'm glad I was able to love someone like you. But if the pain of loss would just as easily go away ...
  9. I have no one to blame for our separation, except perhaps death. And what is death in the end?
  10. I hope that where you are now, you are well. And I don't need more.
  11. Burial is not for the deceased. Funerals are needed for the living to make sure they are not forgotten.
  12. In this life, you can't count on anything. Is that the fact that this very life will ever end.
  13. What difference does it make what happens to your body after death? You don't think about what will happen to the nails you cut...
  14. After the departure of great people, the world always changes. It doesn't matter if good or bad.
  15. We are all afraid of the unknown. And the most striking fear of this is, of course, the fear of death.
  16. Many of us feel sorry for dying because our dreams have not yet come true. But we are not afraid to live with unfulfilled dreams.

Most of the time, death is sudden.

The status about the death of a person is for those who care about high concepts. And also - for those who know how to feel the phrase with all their heart.

  1. When your loved one dies, you will feel guilty anyway. Just think about it!
  2. Time is a terrible thing. She kills you, and most importantly, your loved ones.
  3. In order not to think about death, you need to be distracted. For example, thoughts about life.
  4. Like it or not, life in all its essence is revealed only when we experience the death of a loved one.
  5. We have to deal with the death of our parents. We must try to get over the death of a spouse. But the death of a child... no, it defies explanation.
  6. Sooner or later, the pain of leaving a loved one will subside. But you will never be the same again.
  7. There are people who are not afraid to show sincerity, kindness, and in general are afraid of little. They leave first.
  8. It is impossible to be prepared for the death of a loved one. Don't trust anyone.
  9. No matter how tragic the death of a loved one, time passes, and you regain sensitivity to ordinary things.
  10. It remains only to believe. That you still exist. And also in the fact that where you are, you will certainly feel good.
  11. I don't need any money. I would like to know that my parents will always be alive.
  12. I don't want to be under any illusions. I know we won't be together forever. Therefore, here and now I want to be with you.

Serious phrases about death are rarely found in the status bar of someone. However, if you like any of the statuses listed above, don't be afraid to show your personality!

Love yourself for the benefit of others.

A woman dies, and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said she was ready.
- What are you ready for? Death asked.
- I'm ready for God to take me to Paradise! the woman replied.
- And why did you decide that God would take you to himself? Death asked.
- Well, how? I suffered so much that I deserved the peace and love of God, the woman replied.
What exactly did you suffer from? Death asked.
- When I was little, I was always unfairly punished by my parents. They beat me, put me in a corner, yelled at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was in school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my whole soul, and in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I worked, my boss yelled at me all the time, delayed my salary, left me on weekends, and then fired me altogether without paying me. Neighbors gossiped about me behind my back, saying that I was a walking woman. And one day a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.
- Well, what did you do good in your life? Death asked.
- I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, pulled everything on myself. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserve Paradise ...
- Well, well ... - Death answered - I understand you. There remains a small formality. Sign one contract and go straight to Paradise.
Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence to tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused with ice water, said that she could not put a tick under this sentence.
It was written on the piece of paper: "I forgive all my offenders and ask for forgiveness from everyone whom I offended."
Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? Death asked.
- Because they did not deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means that nothing happened, it means that they will not answer for their deeds. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness ... I didn’t do anything bad to anyone!
- Are you sure about that? Death asked.
- Absolutely!
- What do you feel for those who caused you so much pain? Death asked.
- I feel anger, anger, resentment! It is unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done to me!
- What if you forgive them and stop experiencing these feelings? Death asked.
The woman thought for a while and replied that there would be emptiness inside!
- You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness has devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give meaning to your life. Now tell me, why do you feel emptiness?
- Because all my life I thought that those whom I loved and those for whom I lived would appreciate me, but in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!
- Before God said goodbye to his son and let him go to earth, he said one last phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life ...
- What? the woman asked.
- What does it mean?
- So he did not understand what God told him about ... This is about the fact that only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life! You choose to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?
- It turns out I'm on my own ... - the woman answered in a trembling voice.
- So who can't you forgive?
- Myself? The woman answered in a weeping voice.
- Forgive yourself - it means admitting your mistake! To forgive yourself is to accept your imperfection! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they do not deserve your forgiveness ... And you want God to accept you with open arms?! Have you decided that God is like a soft-bodied stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers?! Do you think he created the perfect place for people like you? That's when you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the rest, will feel good, then you will knock on the doors of the heavenly abode, but for now God has given me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn how to create a world in which reigns love and care. And the one who cannot take care of himself lives in a deep delusion that he can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?
- How? the woman asked.
- He sends her children, whose fates break before her eyes ...
- I understood ... I could not make my husband loving and devoted. She failed to raise happy and successful children. I couldn’t keep a hearth where there would be peace and harmony… In my world, everyone suffered…
- Why? Death asked.
- I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and sympathize ... But no one took pity on me ... And I thought that God would definitely take pity on me and hug me!
- Remember that the most dangerous people on earth are those who want to arouse pity and compassion for themselves ... They are called "victims" ... Your greatest ignorance lies in the fact that you think that God needs someone's sacrifice! He will never let into his abode one who knows nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world...! Go back and learn to love and take care of yourself, and then those who live in your world. And to begin with, ask forgiveness for your ignorance and forgive yourself for it!
The woman closed her eyes and started the journey again, but only under a different name and with different parents.

At the time when I thought I was learning to live, I was learning to die.

In the hours of suffering, many of us envy the dead, but, having coped with the misfortune, people again think about death with fear.

Instead of being afraid of inevitable death, we should be afraid that we will not be ready for its coming.

It is said that it is good to die, saving the life of another.

Dagestan fleas, having heard the lezginka, trampled the cat to death.

Dear Diary! I will never get attached to people again. After all, any of them could die tomorrow.

If everyone praises you, then this is your funeral.

Desires are half life; indifference is half death.

Life is eternity, death is but a moment.

Life is movement. Only we run to death...

Life is a game, but death has a trump card.

Life is cinema, death is photography.

Life is a little death, and death is eternal life. Love is gradual hate, and hate is true love. An angel is a future demon, and a demon is a wise angel. And I am me!

Life is very a short time between two eternities.

Life is a queue after death, but some climb without a queue.

Life is just an obstacle on the way to death...

It is possible to live with dignity, but it is impossible to die with dignity.

The evil created by man does not disappear with his death.

How many people have killed themselves, endangering their lives for the sake of stupid fun, completely forgetting that this world is only a temporary refuge and that they always live on the verge of death.

When someone dies, you feel guilty just for being alive.

Whoever lives in excessive fear of death is already, as it were, wrapped alive in a shroud, but what is the use of being afraid of something from which one cannot escape anyway?

It is better to die courageously than to live in shame.

People don't want to live forever, they just don't want to die.

The dead cannot hurt you. They do not hurt - except for the fact that on their faces you see your own death.

We first understand death only when it takes the person we love.

We will all die one day. Some lucky people will make it quick and painless, but for most, the process is as long and painful as talking to you.

We debut until death, and death is also a debut.

The thought of death brings more terror to the heart than death itself.

Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life...

Do not be afraid of death while you are alive; when it comes, you will no longer be.

There are no big or small decisions, there are only decisions that we make in the face of our inevitable death!

Don't imagine that death is ready to give you all the answers. I suspect it's terrible on its own. You just cease to exist, and there is no more life, no way to find out anything at all.

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