The change in the Earth's orbit affects the planetary climate. Fluctuations in the form of the orbit and the axis of the earth - the result of global catastrophes. The reason for the destruction, climate change and glaciation on Earth - Earth to Flood: disappeared continents and civilizations what will happen if

Moscow, May 7 - RIA Novosti. Gravitational interactions with Jupiter and Venus are forced the Earth's orbit to shrink and stretch every 405 thousand years for more than 215 million years, they found out geologists who published an article in PNAS magazine.

"This is a stunning discovery - we suspected that this cycle could exist for about 50 million years, but we found out that it was already at least 215 million years. Now we can associate and clarify the time when various climate change occurred, massive Dinosaurs, mammals and other animals appeared and disappeared, "Dennis Kent (Dennis Kent) said from the University of Ratgers (USA).

Today, the Earth rotates around the sun on a slightly elongated orbit, removed from the shone almost 150 million kilometers. Its perigelium is the closest point to the sun - is about 5 million kilometers closer to the star than the aphelius, the furthest point. Thanks to this, winter in the southern hemisphere is slightly more severe than on the northern half, and the summer is more hot.

In the past, as scientists suggest, the orbit of the Earth could be more elongated, which could have changed the climate of the planet, making it more extreme, as well as cause extinction and large-scale ecosystem restructuring. Similar changes, as shown by the calculations of geologists and astrophysics, were to occur as a result of the interaction of our planet with Jupiter and other gas giants.

Approximately two decades ago, as Kent notes, he noticed that the gravitational interactions of Jupiter, Earth and Venus should have been specially changed to the orbit of our planet, squeezing or stretching it by about 1% every 405 thousand years. Its calculations showed that a similar cycle of changing the orbits should be extremely stable and it should have existed at least from the time of the Cenozoic.

Geologists found out that turns over the magnetic poles of the EarthSwiss and Danish geologists believe that magnetic poles are periodically changed by places due to unusual waves inside the liquid core of the planet, periodically rebuilding its magnetic structure when driving from the equator to the poles.

Such unusual properties of this cycle, as well as the absence of other long-term oscillations of the orbit, forced the Kent and his colleagues to look for their possible traces in the rocks of the Earth, in which they often "imprinted" traces magnetic field Planets, sharpened in crystals of iron-containing rocks.

Five years ago, the authors of the article conducted excavations on the territory of Arizona, where rocks, formed approximately 215-210 million years ago, at the end of a triad period. At that time, the first ancestors of dinosaurs began to appear on Earth, and those who dominated the hinders and two-legged "megakrokodiles" of two meters began to gradually die.

In these breeds, they managed to find a whole layer of sediments of volcanic ash and other magmatic breeds in a half-range meter, in which traces of the shifts of the magnetic axis of the planet were preserved. After analyzing them, geologists realized that they deal with the same orbital cycle of 405 thousand years.

Scientists: Crocodiles were top predators of America to the coming of dinosaursPaleontologists have discovered the remains of the giant ancient proto-crocodile in North Carolina in North Carolina, "Carolinsky Butcher", whose ancestors became the main top predators of the new world already in the Triassic period, long before the coming there dinosaurs.

This cycle, as the Kent and his colleagues declare, influenced the climate of the planet at the time. In those days, when the orbit of the Earth stretched as much as possible, the level of precipitation on the territory of the future North America increased significantly, and in the era of the "round" orbit he was noticeably less. This, as scientists consider, should have been strong enough to influence the evolution of the life and geology of our planet.

Now the Earth, as scientists noted, is in the "round" phase of this cycle. Its influence, on the other hand, the climate of the planet in the short term will be minimal, since the current CO2 emissions and shorter and bright Milankovich's cycles associated with the "swing" axis of the Earth rotation axis affect the temperatures are much stronger, and therefore the like "orbit shifts "Do not cause serious concerns.

changing the ignition of the orbit planets, a change in the oscillation of the electron orbit
Change orbit change An artificial satellite is an orbital maneuver, the purpose of which (generally) is the translation of the satellite into orbit with another inclination. There are two types of such a maneuver:
  1. Changing the outer orbit to the equator. It is made on the inclusion of a rocket engine in an upstream node of the orbit (above the equator). The pulse is issued in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the orbital speed;
  2. Changing the position (longitude) of the ascending node at the equator. It is made on the inclusion of a rocket engine over the pole (in the case of polar orbits). The impulse, as in the previous case, is issued in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the orbital speed. As a result, the ascending node of the orbit shifts along the equator, and the oscillation of the plane of the orbit to the equator remains unchanged.

Changing the ignition of the orbit is an exclusively energy-consuming maneuver. So, for satellites at a low orbit (having an orbital speed of about 8 km / s), the change in the ignition of the orbit to the equator to 45 degrees will require approximately the same energy (the increment of the characteristic speed), as for eliminating orbit - about 8 km / s. For comparison, it can be noted that the energy capabilities of the Space Shttl ship allow, with full use of the on-board fuel reserve (about 22 tons: 8,174 kg of fuel and 13,486 kg of oxidizing agent in orbital maneuvering engines) change the value of the orbital speed of only 300 m / s, and Tilt, respectively (when maneuver at low circular orbit) - approximately 2 degrees. For this reason artificial satellites Displays (if possible) immediately into orbit with target inclination.

In some cases, however, the change in the ignition of the orbit is still inevitable. So, when launching satellites for a geostationary orbit with high-tech spacecraft (for example, Baikonur), since it is impossible to immediately remove the device into orbit with an inclination, less than the latitude of the cosmodrome, the change in orbit is applied. The satellite is excreted at a low reference orbit, after which several intermediate, higher orbits are consistently formed. The energy capabilities required for this are provided by an overclocking unit installed on the carrier rocket. The change in inclination is made in the appaude weight of the high elliptical orbit, since the satellite speed at this point is relatively small, and the maneuver costs less energy consumption (compared to a similar maneuver on a low circular orbit).

Calculation of energy costs for maneuver change orbit

The calculation of the increment of the speed () required for the implementation of the maneuver is calculated by the formula:

  • - Eccentricity
  • - Argument pericenter
  • - True anomaly
  • - Epoch
  • - Big fear


  1. NASA. PROPELLANT STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION. NASA (1998). Checked on February 8, 2008. Archived from the original source on August 30, 2012.
  2. Spacecraft Fuel
  3. Motion control spacecraft, M. Knowledge. Cosmonautics, Astronomy - B.V. Rousbach (1986).

changing the ignition of the Earth orbit, a change in the ignition of the orbit of the planets, a change in the oscillation of the electron orbit

Orbital maneuvering with a change in the orbit plane is possible in practice only in a very limited scale.

Suppose that we wish to turn the plane of the orbit at an angle and around the line connecting the satellite at some point in time with the center of the Earth, and we do not want to change the size or the form of the orbit. If the orbit is a circular or satellite in this

the moment is in Periguee or Apoghee, for such an operation, it is sufficient to rotate the velocity vector at the same angle a. From an equilibried triangle speeds there is easily an additional speed pulse

where orbital speed. To turn an equatorial circular orbit into the polar, it is necessary to add a speed that e. Parabolic! Possessing the right fuel reserves, such a satellite with a low near-earth orbit could fly to the moon or Mars, to make landing there and then return to Earth!

Let's try to solve our problem by bypassing. We translate the satellite using an on-board engine with a circular orbit on a very strongly elongated elliptical (orbit 4 type in Fig. 17). The speed in its suitoehea is insignificant and turn it on any angle is worth nothing (in the "infinity" pulse of the transition to a new plane of motion is zero). At the time of returning to the start point from the initial orbit, it will be necessary to slow down the movement to the circular speed. The longer the elliptical orbit, the less the sum of the three speed pulses. In the limit it is equal

that in the case of initial height, it is also not so small (sufficient to land on the moon!).

For small angles turning and there is no point in switching "through infinity." The benefit will be detected, starting from a certain angle A, which for circular orbits is determined from the equation

where does the lack of "transition through infinity" ("biparabolic transition", as they say) lies in the "infinitely large" time of operation: in the case of a departure for the lunar orbit, it exceeds 10 days.

The transition through infinity may be almost profitable if it comes not only about the change in the tilt of the orbit, but also at the same time its rise, in particular, if required

translate a satellite with a low orbit, strongly tilted to the equator, to a stationary orbit. At the same time, the three-limit transition may be more profitable than a two-pulse despite the fact that the stationary orbit radius is significantly less than the critical radius. This benefit is detected if the low initial orbit is larger than 38.6 °

To approach the sum of the pulses in the transition through infinity in the event of a start with the initial radius orbit, if the apogee distance on which the second pulse is reported (the point in Fig. 36) is equal to the sum of the pulses exceeds the specified value to the entire operation requires approximately 11 days)