Breathing with carbon dioxide use and harm. Carbon dioxide. Properties, receipt, application. Carbon dioxide and we: what is dangerous co2

Just about 0.04% carbon dioxide is contained in the air. Basically, it enters the air through the decomposition of plant and animal fabrics, as well as in the process of combustion of stone coal and wood.

The content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet is able to adjust the plants. Under the influence of water and sunlight Carbon dioxide in plants cells turns into starch, as well as in many other nutrients. Plants to live, too, need to breathe. Therefore, they absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. But in the process of formation of starch, they distinguish much more oxygen than absorb when breathing. But in the formation of starch, the plant world absorbs significantly more carbon dioxide than exhaled.

Hence, need to protect the forest and the whole plant world On our planet, because they maintain a constant carbon dioxide and oxygen content in nature.

The benefits and harm of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is very useful for a person, he participates in the intake of oxygen in fabric and regulation human breathing processes.

CO2 greatly affects the climate. Also without it is impossible metabolism. This is an indispensable component for all favorite carbonated drinks.

In turn, he can bring harm. The occurrence of the body with carbon dioxide brings great harm to a person and can cause death.

Without color and smell. The most important regulator of blood circulation and breathing. Not toxic. Without it, there would be no bunched buns and nice spoiled carbonated drinks. From this article you will learn what carbon dioxide is and how it affects the human body ...

Most of us badly remember the school course of physics and chemistry, but know: the gases are invisible and, as a rule, are intangible, and therefore insidious. Therefore, before answering the question, it is harmful to carbon dioxide for the body, let's remember what he represents.

Blanket land

CO2 - carbon dioxide. It is also carbonated gas, carbon oxide (IV) or coal anhydride. Under normal conditions, this is a colorless non-smell gas with an acidic taste.

In conditions atmospheric pressure Carbon dioxide has two aggregate states: gaseous (carbon dioxide heavier air, poorly dissolved in water) and solid (at -78 ° C turns into a dry ice).

Carbon dioxide is one of the main components of the environment. It is contained in the air and underground mineral waters, it is highlighted in the respiration of human and animals, participates in photosynthesis of plants.

Carbon dioxide actively affects the climate. It regulates the planet heat exchange: passes ultraviolet and blocks infrared radiation. In this regard, carbon dioxide is sometimes called the Blanket of the Earth.

O2 - Energy. CO2 - Iskra

Carbon dioxide accompanies man throughout life. Being a natural respiratory regulator and blood circulation, carbon dioxide is an integral component of metabolism.

Inhaling about 30 liters of oxygen per hour, a person highlights 20-25 liters of carbon dioxide.

Making a breath, a man fills light oxygen. At the same time, in the alveoli (special "bubbles" of lungs) there is a bilateral exchange: oxygen goes into the blood, and carbon dioxide is distinguished from it. Man exhales. CO2 is one of the final metabolic products. Speaking figuratively, oxygen is energy, and carbon dioxide is a spark, inciting it.

Carbon dioxide is no less important for the body than oxygen. It is a physiological stimulator of breathing: affects the bark of the brain and stimulates the respiratory center. The signal for the next breath is not the lack of oxygen, but an excess of carbon dioxide. After all, the metabolism in the cells and tissues is continuous, and it is necessary to constantly remove its final products.

In addition, carbon dioxide affects the secretion of hormones, the activity of enzymes and the speed of biochemical processes.

Equilibrium gas exchange

Carbon dioxide is not toxic, does not explode and absolutely harmless to people. However, the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen is extremely important for normal life. The disadvantage and excess of carbon dioxide in the body leads to hypocris and hypercaps, respectively.

Hypopania - Lack of CO2 in the blood. It occurs as a result of deep rapid respiration, when more oxygen comes into the body than necessary. For example, during too intense physical exertion. The consequences may be different: from light dizziness to loss of consciousness.

Hypercapnia - Excess CO2 in the blood. The person inhales (together with oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor and inert gases) 0.04% carbon dioxide, and exhales 4.4%. If there is a small room with poor ventilation, the concentration of carbon dioxide may exceed the norm. As a result, headache, nausea, drowsiness may occur. But most often the hypercupnia is accompanied by extreme situations: malfunction of the breathing apparatus, retention of breathing under water and others.

Thus, contrary to the opinion of the majority of people, carbon dioxide in the amounts provided for by nature are needed for human life and health. In addition, he found widespread industrial applications and brings people a lot of practical benefits.

Sparkling bubbles in the service of cooks

CO2 is used in many areas. But perhaps the most demanded carbon dioxide in the food industry and cooking.

Carbon dioxide is formed in a yeast dough under the influence of fermentation. It is his bubbles that break the dough, making it an air and increasing its volume.

With the help of carbon dioxide make various refreshing drinks: kvass, mineral water and other favorite children and adult soda. These drinks are popular with millions of consumers throughout the world, largely due to sparkling bubbles, which are so funny burst into the glass and so nicely "clutch" in the nose.

Can carbon dioxide contained in carbonated beverages, contribute to hypercapnia or cause any other harm to a healthy organism? Of course not!

First, carbon dioxide, which is used in the preparation of carbonated drinks, is specially prepared for use in the food industry. In those quantities in which it is contained in sodes, it is absolutely harmless to the body of healthy people.

Secondly, most carbon dioxide is destroyed immediately after biting off the bottle. The remaining bubbles "evaporate" in the process of drinking, leaving after themselves only a characteristic hiss. As a result, a negligible amount of carbon dioxide falls into the body.

"Then why doctors sometimes forbid drinking carbonated drinks?" - you ask. According to the candidate of medical sciences, the Gastroenterologist Alena Aleksandrovna is heavy, this is due to the fact that there are a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, under which a special strict diet is prescribed. Not only the drinks containing gas are falling into the list of contraindications, but also many food products. A healthy person without problems can include a moderate amount of carbonated drinks and from time to time to allow itself a cup of the same cola.


Carbon dioxide is needed to maintain life as a planet and a separate organism. CO2 affects the climate, being a kind of blanket. No metabolism is impossible: with carbon dioxide from the body, exchange products are output. And this is an indispensable component of loved ones by all carbonated drinks. It is carbonate gas that creates playful bubbles, ticking in the nose. At the same time, for a healthy person, it is absolutely safe.

Without carbon dioxide, as without oxygen, human life is impossible. Carbon dioxide stimulates the protective systems of our body, helping to cope with physical and intellectual loads. But only in certain doses. When does the moment occurs, in which carbon dioxide begins to kill us slowly?

Few people know that fresh marine or country air contains about 0.03-0.04% carbon dioxide and this is the level that is necessary for our breathing. At the same time, the most of us is familiar with the feeling of stuffiness in the room and the symptoms associated with it. Fatigue, drowsiness, irritability. Such states are associated with a lack of oxygen. In fact, these symptoms are caused by the excess of carbon dioxide in the air. Oxygen is still enough, and carbon dioxide is already in excess.

An extremely permissible standard of carbon dioxide in the air indoors is considered to be 0.1-0.15%. Research conducted in the UK in 2007, revealed that at the level of carbon dioxide 0.1% (i.e., two with a little higher than the normal atmospheric level) in office space, employees experience headaches, fatigue, cannot concentrate Attention. All this ultimately leads to an increase in the number of hospital sheets and not the ability to productively work. The nasopharynx and the upper respiratory tract are especially affected.

Group of Italian scientists in 2006 Presented the results of their research at the Congress of the European Respiratory Society. As a result of the research, it was revealed that two schoolchildren from three in Europe experience a negative impact of an increased level of carbon dioxide in the class. They had a heavy breathing, the outbreak, dry cough, rhinitis and problems with the nasopharynx much more often than their peers.

In the USA, Canada and UES, currently the quality of air in schools is paid great attention, there are organizations that are engaged in measurements of the level of carbon dioxide in school premises. There are practically no such organizations in Russia, or rather, the fruits of their activities are not visible. Studies of how the increased level of CO2 is influenced in the class of health and the performance of children were not conducted, although it is necessary to understand that this problem in Russia's schools is not less acute than in Europe or the United States.

Moreover, the recent studies of Indian scientists showed that carbon dioxide even in small concentrations (that is, at the level of 0.06%) is the same toxic as nitrogen dioxide. It is found that even at low concentrations, carbon dioxide indoors becomes toxic, since biochemical changes occur in the human blood cell membrane, such as acidosis (change of acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body).

Long acidosis in turn leads to a disease of the cardiovascular system, adding weight, decrease in immunity, kidney disease, the appearance of articular and headaches, to the general weakness.

Pursuing in the fitness or gym. You can also face the problem of an increased carbon dioxide level, and instead of benefit you harm your body. This is especially true because, during exercise, the level of concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood is both rising, and in a poorly ventilated room, a person will feel signs of hypercapinia (excess carbon dioxide).

Hypercapny caused by Sprianis, headache, dizziness and shortness of breath are written off on physical fatigue and perceive almost as evidence of its motor activity. In fact, it can talk about the overaffect of carbon dioxide. In arterial blood. Long-term hypercupnia is characterized by the expansion of myocardial vessels and brain, can lead to an increase in blood acidity, secondary spasm of blood vessels, a slowdown of heart abbreviations.

There is no doubt that the problem of an increased level of carbon dioxide in the room is inherent in all cities with a bad environment. If in environmentally friendly places you can simply open the window and breathe fresh air, then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Garden Ring or Nevsky Prospect this should not do this. Here the CO2 level may be higher than normal atmospheric atmospheric.

How can this problem be solved in our man-made century? First, with the help of indoor plants. But since the absorption of the excess carbon blackness from the air takes place only in the light, then they are unlikely to handle if, of course, you do not work in the winter garden or in a greenhouse.

Carbon dioxide can be removed from the air of the room with special devices. These devices are called absorbers (absorbers) carbon dioxide. At the heart of the absorber of carbon dioxide laid the principle of capturing CO2 molecules with a special substance.

At work

Do not install air cleaners who are not able to remove carbon dioxide. Do not forget that air conditioners only cooled the inner air. Check how ventilation works, how much air it submits per employee. It is desirable that printers, photocopiers are in a separate room and the used air from the rooms where they stand, have not been served in the office space.

At school

This is what the parents should think to understand the good quality of the air in school, where the child learns: Your child coughs and sneezes more than before, he began to show the symptoms of allergies and frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, your child feels better at the weekend. Days when not going to school. Then, perhaps, the level of carbon dioxide in the class, where he studies above the norm. By the way, it can be measured by special devices that should be in the Arsenal Sansepid services.

In the bedroom

For the good quality of sleep and human health, it is necessary that the CO2 level in the bedrooms and children's rooms was not higher than 0.08%. Deft University of Technology Technology University (Delft University of Technology), Netherlands, believe that it is more important for sleeping quality air in the bedroom than sleep duration. The high level of CO2 in the bedrooms can also increase the snoring.

Most people believe that carbon dioxide is harmful. It is not surprising, because about the negative properties of CO 2, we were told in school at the lessons of biology and chemistry. Representing carbon dioxide exclusively as a harmful substance, the teachers usually silent about his positive role within our body.

It is meanwhile in meanwhile, because carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide, is an important member of the respiratory process. How does carbon dioxide acts on our body and what is it useful?

Carbon dioxide in human body

When we do inhale, our lungs are filled with oxygen, while at the bottom of the body - alveoli - carbon dioxide is formed. At this moment there is an exchange: oxygen goes into the blood, and carbon dioxide is distinguished from it. And we exhale.

Repeating about 15-20 times in a minute Breath launches all the livelihoods of the body,
And the carbon dioxide formed at the same time affects many vital functions immediately. What is useful carbon dioxide for a person?

CO 2 regulates the excitability of nerve cells affects the permeability of cell membranes and the activity of enzymes, stabilizes the intensity of hormone products and the degree of their effectiveness, participate
In the process of binding to proteins of calcium and iron ions.

In addition, carbon dioxide is the final metabolic product. Exhausted we remove unnecessary components that have arisen during the metabolism and clean our body. The metabolic process is continuous, so we need to remove the final products constantly.

It is important not only the presence, but also the amount of CO 2 in the body. The normal level of content is 6-6.5%. This is enough to ensure that all "mechanisms" in the body worked correctly, and you felt good.

The lack of or excess carbon dioxide in the body leads to two states: hypokapinia
and hypercapnia.

Hypopania - This is a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood. It occurs with deep rapid breathing when the body allocates too much carbon dioxide. For example, after intensive sports. Hypopelia can lead to a light dizziness or loss of consciousness.

Hypercapnia - This is an overabundance of carbon dioxide in the blood. There is indoors with poor ventilation. If the concentration of CO 2 indoors will exceed the norm, then its level in the body will also be higher.

Because of this, a head may get sick, nausea and drowsiness appear. Especially often hypercupnia arises in winter from office workers, as well as in large queues. For example, in the mail or in the clinic.

The surplus of carbon dioxide may occur in extreme situations, for example, when breathing under water.

We will tell you more about the consequences of hypercupinia and ways to combat her in one of the following articles. Today we will focus on hinders and its treatment.

As mentioned above, carbon dioxide affects many processes in our body, so it is so important that its level holds within the normal range. And one of the types of respiratory gymnastics will help to bring the CO 2 content.

But such phrases look not very convincing, especially when we want to solve some particular problem or get rid of a certain illness. Let's figure out how carbon dioxide helps
and respiratory gymnastics in specific cases.

Let's start with the fact that in the process of classes on a simulator or standard respiratory practices, the blood of a person is saturated with carbon dioxide, the blood supply to all organs is improved, as a result of which a positive effect appears.

The body begins to treat himself from the inside, providing different impact on different groups of organs. For example, the improvement of blood supply and the increase in CO 2 leads to the normalization of the tone of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. It has a positive effect on the intestinal work, restores its basic functions and helps in the fight against various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Carbon dioxide positively affects the permeability of membranes, which normalizes the excitability of nerve cells. It helps it easier to carry stress, avoid nervous exconctions and, as a result, eliminates insomnia and migraine.

CO 2 helps and allergies: carbon dioxide reduces the viscosity of the cytoplasm, which fills the cells. This has a positive effect on metabolism and increases the activity of protective systems of the body.

Protective systems and anti-viral diseases are activated. Regular activity of respiratory gymnastics helps to avoid ARVI and ARZ due to the increase in local immunity.

Helps carbon dioxide with bronchitis and asthma: it reduces the spasm of the vessels, which allows you to get rid of sputum and mucus in bronchi, and according to the disease itself.

Due to the normalization of the lumen of the vessels go on amendment and patients with hypotension. Classes of respiratory gymnastics help them gradually cope with low arterial pressure.

Despite all the positive changes arising in our body in normalizing the level of carbon dioxide, it is not a panacea from all diseases. This is more likely to help you have your body by studying breathing gymnastics.

Believe me, after several months of classes, the body will definitely thank you with good well-being. Before you start classes, be sure to check the CO 2 level in the body and make sure that the respiratory gymnastics or the Samolader simulator will help with your disease.

And in order not to miss the material about the hypercupinia and receive our new articles on the mail, on our blog. We will send materials once a week.

Concentration of carbon dioxide in clean atmospheric air: carbon dioxide - 0.04%

For comparison, the typical level of CO2 in the atmosphere of megalopolises is 0.06-0.08%, and this is exactly the air that serves ventilation into the room.

There is a question, but will the ventilation help?

Ventilation helps reduce the concentration of CO2 carbon dioxide in the premises only if you live or work in an environmentally friendly place, but it is almost impossible to maintain CO2 carbon dioxide concentration in rooms within atmospheric, i.e. 0.04%.

How many CO2 highlights a man when breathing

It is known that one person in a calm state in one hour consumes 20-30 liters of oxygen with a separation of 18-25 liters of carbon dioxide. In the air exhaled, carbon dioxide is 100 times larger than in clean atmospheric air. Knowing it, it becomes clear why gas, which is included in the exchange processes of the human body, under certain circumstances may cause him harm. The last studies of Western scientists show that carbon dioxide indoors is a substance that even in low concentrations may be addicted to health and human performance.

(In the article, as a unit of measurement of CO2, uses PPM (Parts Per Million or CO2 particles per million air particles). 1000 ppm \u003d 0.1% CO2 content.)

The excessive concentration of carbon dioxide in the air can lead to negative changes in the blood and the urine of man and human DNA.

Scientists have found that carbon dioxide even in low concentrations negatively affects the human cell membrane and can lead to such biochemical changes in the body as an increase in PSO2, an increase in the concentration of bicarbonate ions, acidosis, etc., in its influence carbon dioxide is also toxic for humans. like nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

The increased concentration of carbon dioxide affects human health, since under its effection, blood pH decreases, which leads to acidosis, the minimum effect of the consequence of acidosis is the state of overexcitation and moderate hypertension. As the degree of acidosis increases, drowsiness and the state of anxiety appears. One consequence of these changes is to reduce the desire to show physical activity and receive pleasure from this.

Under the influence of carbon dioxide, at a concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) above 800 PPM, an increase in the number of oxidative stress markers in DNA is observed, the number of markers is directly connected with the time of finding a person in the room.

Carbon dioxide in the school class increases the incidence and reduces student performance

Special attention should be paid to the quality of air, which to breathe children in classes, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air of the classroom can increase several times by the end of the occupation.

Children who are studying in classes with a high concentration of carbon dioxide, often observed heavy breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough and rhinitis, these children have a weakened nasopharynk.

The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room leads the emergence of asthma attacks in asthmatics children.

Due to increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in schools and higher educational institutions The number of skipping lessons by learning on illness increases. Respiratory infections and asthma are essential diseases in such schools.

Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the class negatively affects the results of children's study, reduces their performance.

The problem of increased concentration of carbon dioxide is also characteristic of kindergartens, and the most strongly level of CO2 rises in the bedrooms of kindergartens

The report on the health status of children in Russian Federation (According to the results of the All-Russian clinical examination 2002), it was noted that the diseases of the respiratory organs dominate the incidence of children in the age of the age.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Boris Revich believes that "in Russian classes it is difficult to breathe due to plastic windows that are installed when repairing schools. The room closed with plastic turns into a closed chamber, and carbon dioxide in such conditions may exceed the standards many times. However, in our country there are practically no data on this topic, and work on this issue is not conducted. "

Carbon dioxide in office space reduces the productivity of employees, worsens their health status, leads to a patient building syndrome (SBS)

Measures. Moscow has shown that in a number of offices, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) reached 2 000 PPM and above.

Research has shown. That when the CO2 carbon dioxide concentration is above 800 -1000 PPM, office buildings begin to experience symptoms of the SBS: irritation of mucous membranes, dry cough, headache, reduced performance. Eye inflammation, nasal congestion, ride inflammation, problems associated with the respiratory system, dry cough, headache, fatigue and complexity with a concentration of attention, and carbon dioxide is one of the main causes of SBS development.

Certified devices for the definition and control of air quality

Portable Air Quality Sensor - Atmotube

Influence of carbon dioxide concentration in indoor health

CO2 level (ppm)

Air quality and his influence on man

Atmospheric air

Ideal for human health

Normal air quality

A single complaints of air quality appear

More frequent complaints of air quality.

Above 1000 ppm.

Common discomfort, weakness, headache, problems with concentration of attention. The number of errors in the work is growing. Negative changes in DNA begin.

Above 2000 ppm

May cause serious deviations in people's health. The number of errors in the work increases greatly. 70% of employees cannot focus on work

To replenish the room with air with a large oxygen content, it is necessary to pull the spent air with a high content of carbon dioxide and other substances.

From here, simple requirements arise:

  1. The room must have a sufficient volume so that a person is always enough to breathe. Therefore, when buying a home it is desirable to count not only square meters, but also cubic.
  2. It is necessary to ensure both the influx of air and its outflow. In the absence of one or another, the process of air intake occurs for a long time and does not sleep for an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Example. In old houses, everything was done very competently - the receipt of fresh air was evenly carried out through the slots in the windows and doors, and removing the spent - through exhaust ventilation in the toilet. After installing modern hermetic windows and doors, a person abruptly limited not only the flow of fresh air, but also the outflow of spent. Support valves help, but they supply the air locally, compared to the uniform distribution of the old window slots. Natural or active ventilation should provide such an air exchange, so that at any time in the presence of a different number of people, the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and many other components of air has always been in a comfortable limit.
  3. In winter it is possible to provide heating of the incoming air. The simplest option is the installation of the supply valve between the windowsill and the heating radiator (modern gap analog). In order not to dispose of heat with the separation from the room, you can use the recovery systems when the outgoing stream is heated incoming.
  4. The carbon dioxide sensor allows you to enable ventilation and adjust its performance in automatic mode so that the energy is spent only in the presence of a person with an increase in carbon dioxide concentration.
  5. About the dangers of air conditioner. In addition to the cold air flow, often falling on the heads of people, the temperature difference when exiting the street, bacteria, comfortably living in the coolness, there is a danger that is rarely mentioned. In order to save electricity, the operation of the air conditioner closes all windows. At the same time, the concentration of carbon dioxide quickly reaches a considerable value and is cooled, but the poor is oxygen. Therefore, the window must be kept open - health is more expensive.

CO2 detection
(carbon dioxide)
Detection of Co.
(carbon monoxide)
VOC / Los Detection
(volatile organic compounds)
Temperature measurement
Measuring moisture
Data Logger.
(data record)