Additional professional education in administrative and economic activities with a certificate from the financial university under the government of the Russian Federation. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Institute for Advanced Studies sp

2016-09-21 50

Where to take IFRS courses in Moscow?

If you decide to study IFRS and are looking for suitable courses for training, then start by checking your level of knowledge. Take a free test “Do you know IFRS” and get objective data on your training and useful recommendations. Its results will greatly help you with the selection of a suitable training program.

In 2016, there is a big surge in demand for financial specialists who are proficient in the practice of preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Along with this, the level of wages has also increased sharply. Today, an accountant who knows international standards and knows how to apply them in the process of preparing financial statements earns 40-60% more than his colleague working in accordance with RAS. And if his transformation skills are confirmed by a prestigious international qualification in accordance with IFRS, then the salary can exceed the mark of 100,000 rubles per month.

It is no secret that large companies, whose securities are traded on the stock market, as well as organizations engaged in insurance and lending activities, must submit financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The trend is that by 2017 these changes in the accounting and reporting system will be applicable to all medium and small businesses in Russia. Therefore, today knowledge of IFRS is a strong competitive advantage, which tomorrow will become the main requirement for hiring.

According to the results of a study conducted among accountants and financial specialists in Moscow, only 3% of respondents are familiar with international standards. 10% periodically encounter IFRS in their work, but so far apply them under the strict supervision of more competent colleagues. But 17% of accountants said that they do not know IFRS at all and are not going to study them in the near future. But the majority of survey participants (70%) are not yet able to keep records in accordance with IFRS, but are seriously aiming to acquire these skills already in 2017. In their opinion, the best training can be provided by professional organizations and training centers that produce certified specialists of an international format.

“IFRS. Basis ”is an online course that will allow you to master a solid knowledge base of international financial reporting standards and learn how to effectively apply it in practice. After passing it, you will be able to receive an international British IPFM diploma.

Duration of the program: access is open for up to 90 days (60 academic hours).

Take the 1st module of the course "IFRS. Basis" for free to evaluate the training format and make sure that it suits you in all respects.

“ACCA DipIFR (rus)” is a practical course for specialists familiar with the theoretical basis of IFRS and aimed at obtaining an ACCA DipIFR (rus) diploma. The program includes both the study of the theoretical aspects of IFRS, and intensive working out of the tasks of the upcoming exam. The course instructors are specialists in IFRS, holders of ACCA DipIFR (rus) diplomas and full ACCA Qualification certificate.

Training format: distance (webinars + electronic handouts + personal support of a tutor + testing + independent work + final online exam).

Duration of the program: access is open for up to 120 days (80 academic hours).

Get free access to the 1st module of this course to understand the training system and get acquainted with its program!

RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation. graduate School finance and management

Course: “IFRS. Preparation and presentation of corporate financial statements ”.

Training format: full-time / modular system (2 times a month on Saturdays).

Duration of the program: 6 months.

Cost: 80,000 rubles.

ELKOD Education Center

Course: "IFRS under the IPBR program (Theory + Workshop)"

Duration of the program: 160 ac. hours.

Price: 32,000 rubles.

Training Center "Specialist" at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman.

Course 1: "International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Basic Course".

Training format: full-time (2-3 times a week / weekdays from 18.00 to 21.45).

Duration of the program: 40 ac. hours.

Price: from 20 990 rubles.

Course 2: "Preparation for the ACCA exam to obtain a diploma in IFRS DipIFR (rus)".

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 48 ac. hours.

Price: from 29,990 rubles.

Educational and Methodological Center "Accounting and Audit", National Research University Higher School of Economics

Course: "The Practice of Applying International Financial Reporting Standards"

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 114 ac. hours.

Price: 40,500 rubles.

Institute professional retraining HSE specialists

Course: “Advanced level. International Financial Reporting Standards ".

Training format: distance learning.

Training period: 2.5 months.

Price: 19,000 rubles.

Course 1: "Basic course on IFRS".

Training format: full-time.

Duration of the program: 24 ac. hours.

Price: 19,900 rubles.

The Institute for Advanced Studies of Specialists (formerly the Training and Methodological Center) is a structural subdivision of the federal state budgetary institution higher professional education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", which was created in accordance with the decision of the Bureau of the Moscow City Party Committee of 15 November 1987. on the basis of the Moscow Financial Institute and the Kvant Research and Production Association.
As a result of the work carried out to transfer NPO Kvant to self-financing, the main goal of the center was determined: to provide scientific and methodological assistance to scientific organizations (NGOs, research institutes, design bureaus, PKB, computing centers, university and academic science), as well as generalization and dissemination of best practices.

The provision of services was carried out on a subscription basis in three directions:

  • monthly problematic seminars with the participation of leading specialists from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the State Committee for Science, specialists from research institutes with experience in contractual cooperation;
  • weekly four-hour consultations with the participation of organizations and faculty of specialized departments of a financial institution;
  • fulfillment of orders on a contractual basis (development of a model for the transition of an organization, depending on the characteristics of their economic activities) to the first or second model.

More than 120 cities of the RSFSR and all union republics without exception were represented by the participants of the seminars. Each of the seminars was attended by at least 350 people, and in some seminars the number of participants exceeded 500 participants.

Since 1994, the Educational and Methodological Center has received the right to study and take exams from applicants for an auditor's qualification certificate.

In 2005, by decision of the Council for Auditing Activity, an Experiment was launched to improve the procedure for conducting a qualifying examination for the right to carry out audit activities.

The training and methodological center was designated as the base center for the experimental conduct of this qualification exam.

The purpose of the experiment was to increase the objectivity of the qualification test of persons wishing to engage in auditing activities.

In 1998, the Educational and Methodological Center began cooperation with the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia on training and advanced training programs for specialists in the field of accounting.

A new direction in the work of the Training and Methodological Center since 2002 has been the training of tax consultants. Accreditation was obtained by the Chamber of Tax Consultants.

By the order of the rector No. 946-1 / 0 of 16.07.2012. The "Educational and Methodological Center" was reorganized into the "Institute for Advanced Training of Specialists".

Currently, the Institute for Advanced Training of Specialists of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation implements programs:

  • professional development of auditors, approved by the SRO of auditors;
  • preparation for certification of auditors, approved by the Unified Certification Commission;
  • training and professional development of tax consultants approved by the Chamber of Tax Consultants;
  • training and professional development of professional accountants approved by the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia;
  • training specialists in International Financial Reporting Standards.

TO educational process The Institute for Advanced Training of Specialists attracts highly qualified teachers of the Financial University and specialists (employees of banks, legal structures, tax services, audit firms, etc.).

Currently, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Financial University specialists is accredited under:

  • Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP "Audit Chamber of Russia";
  • Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP "Moscow Auditing Chamber";
  • Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP “Institute of Professional Auditors”;
  • Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP Russian Collegium of Auditors;
  • Self-regulatory organization of auditors NP "Auditing Association Sodruzhestvo";
  • Non-profit partnership "International Association of Certified Accountants";
  • Non-profit partnership "Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia";
  • Non-profit partnership "Chamber of Tax Consultants";
  • Limited Liability Company Accountancy Tewishy Center (International) Limited (UK) (ACCA);
  • DipIFR Institute;
  • Postgraduate - RAU.