Edgar casey predictions about the future of the world. What Edgar Cayce's Predictions Say Edgar Cayce Predictions

In the first half of the 20th century, a large number of predictions were made by the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce. Prophecies came true even during the life of the mystic. His words were confirmed throughout the century. Many of Edgar Cayce's predictions relate to the near future that our generation will face. Let's figure out what the famous predictor spoke about and whether it is worth believing his words.

The personality of the fortuneteller

Edgar Cayce is a renowned mystic, medium and self-proclaimed "healer". A US citizen has lived a long and fulfilling life - at the time of his death he was 67 years old. He was born in the second half of the 70s. XIX century, and died at the very beginning of 1945, several months before the end of World War II.

Cayce performed his numerous “readings” in a state of trance, which is why he received the nickname “The Sleeping Prophet”. Since childhood, the American clairvoyant has heard voices that conveyed the necessary information to him.

Edgar earned his lifetime authority by treating people. It all started with the case when Casey, having lost his voice, in a state of hypnosis, was able to establish the cause of his problems. Later, Edgar put on stream the process of identifying diseases and pointing out effective treatments for other people. Edgar gave out information in a state of trance. Soon people from all over the world began to turn to the medium for advice. He became famous.

During his lifetime, the medium healed people

The American clairvoyant is credited with accurate earthquakes and revolutions. Many of the prophecies recorded in the verbatim answers have come true.

Casey was very religious. He sincerely believed in God, therefore many of the prophecies of the medium. In his "readings" the Lord is often mentioned.

Fulfilled prophecies

The fame of the fortuneteller Edgar Cayce was brought to the "records" in which he predicted the onset of many significant events. Some of them occurred during the life of the “sleeping prophet”.

Casey's Predictions Come True:

  • The Great Depression in the United States;
  • the economic recovery of the United States in the 1930s;
  • Hitler's defeat in World War II;
  • the triumphal march of the USSR throughout Europe;
  • the formation of a separate Jewish state;
  • the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960s;
  • the collapse of the USSR with the formation of national republics;
  • the gradual emergence of China to a leading position in the world.

Not all of Casey's prophecies have come true. There were also numerous unfortunate statements about the future. Such prophecies include the following statements:

  • Hitler will unite Europe into a single democratic state;
  • China's 1940s civil war will be won by US-backed democracy advocates;
  • in the 1960s, Atlantis will rise again from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Casey's prediction of the appearance on the surface of Atlantis has not yet come true

But even these blunders of the "sleeping prophet" cannot be ignored. Many fortunetellers interpret their visions and voices allegorically. By using the critical method in analyzing Edgar's words, erroneous judgments no longer look like absolute failures.

Thus, the rise of Atlantis should not be interpreted directly. In these words, Casey meant the discovery of sites on the ocean floor, on which the buildings of an unknown ancient civilization were located. By discoveries, one should understand the uplift of lands. In 1968, such discoveries really began to occur at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The ruins of an ancient flooded city have been discovered. It is assumed that the found settlement may be part of Atlantis.

Hitler is also the person who pushed Europe towards unification. Nazism spawned the occupation of Europe by the Americans and the Russians. To coordinate the activities of democracies in Europe, the EU gradually emerged - a single democratic state. Without Hitler and the Second World War he unleashed, this would not have happened.

The future of the world

Many sayings of the "sleeping prophet" relate to catastrophes that humanity will face in the next few tens, maximum hundreds, of years.

According to Casey, the following events await humanity and the planet:

  • the Savior will come to earth;
  • before the coming of the Savior, a series of calamities awaits that mankind has never had to face - wars, earthquakes, hunger, illness, faith in a person will weaken, love will disappear;
  • signals will become a harbinger of the coming of the Savior - the sun will darken, the earth will split in many places, a star will appear in the sky, which will show the way for believers to salvation;
  • before the end of the world and the coming of the Savior, there will be a great sign in the sky, the sea will begin to rage, the Sun will disappear, the Moon and the stars will cease to shine;
  • the coming will mark a strong lightning that will strike from east to west, the cross of Jesus will appear in the sky.

According to Casey, humanity will face a worldwide catastrophe

There are also prophecies of Edgar Cayce that relate to natural disasters.

  1. Volcanoes will erupt everywhere.
  2. All continents will change their outlines. Many coastal areas will be flooded, new lands will be formed in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  3. A huge rift is forming in western North America. New York will be destroyed by war or earthquake, later people can rebuild it. Carolina, Georgia, Florida and a number of other US territories will also be destroyed. California will turn into an island, the Hawaiian Islands will go under water.
  4. Japan will plunge into the ocean.
  5. New land will emerge from the water off the east coast of North America.
  6. The territories of Europe will change beyond recognition.
  7. There will be a rapid melting of glaciers. Warming will lead to irreversible changes in Antarctica and the Arctic, the northern part of Greenland will go under water.
  8. The disaster will be accompanied by a shift of magnetic poles, the tropical climate will be in the cold and subtropical regions.

Today, all these statements seem reasonable and normal. Such consequences are actively discussed all over the world. But during Edgar's life, such problems were not indicated even at the level of forecasts. Before the first signs of global warming were far away. They did not know about the displacement of the magnetic poles yet. The accelerating melting of glaciers was not even expected.

The prophet's predictions about impending cataclysms are confirmed by scientific predictions. In the XX century, the processes of accelerating the displacement of the planet's magnetic poles were launched. These movements activate seismic and tectonic processes. Tectonic plates will begin to actively move, which will be expressed on the surface of the earth by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and the release of land from the waters of the oceans.

Such processes will clearly manifest themselves in North America. The Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt. The explosion will lead to a split tectonic plate, which will pass through the United States.

The melting of glaciers, triggered by the combined effects of climate warming and pole shift, will lead to a rise in sea levels. Huge coastal land areas will be flooded. The United States and Europe will be hit hard.

The medium predicted the destruction of the USA

A feature of the prophecies of the American clairvoyant was the lack of indications of exact dates. There is no way to build a chronology of Edgar Cayce's predictions by dates.

He answered questions about the timing in vague categories:

  • it will happen in a forty-year period;
  • the next generation will see the phenomenon, etc.

Natural disaster events will occur between 58 and 98 years. But in his prophecies, Cayce did not indicate a century. If this is the 20th century, the predictions did not come true. Maybe he was talking about the events of the XXI century?

Edgar pointed to the forerunners of the planet's seismic activity: the first strongest cataclysm in the South Sea, the immersion and outcropping of land in the Mediterranean Sea (the area near Mount Etna). The American clairvoyant attributed the beginning of the magnetic pole shift processes to the period of the first years of the XXI century.

According to researchers' calculations, the catastrophic processes described in the Cayce prophecies will begin at the turn of the century. But don't wait for a one-time apocalypse. Everything will happen gradually, with increasing consequences. Looking at contemporary disasters and their dynamics, Cayce's prophecies of disasters are already coming true.

The “sleeping prophet” did not ignore the political future in his statements. He pointed out that people will be able to avoid the Third World War.

Edgar Cayce, in his prophecies, concerns the future of China:

  • the country is now in quiet dormancy;
  • awakening is coming, China will "cut its hair";
  • The Celestial Empire will begin to think and do things;
  • these lands will become the cradle of Christianity.

At the time of the clairvoyant's life, China was inactive, it was not an active geopolitical player. But after the end of the civil war in the country and the victory of the communists, the Celestial Empire embarked on the path of radical modernization, the construction of a new superpower. Today China is the second economy in the world, the largest geopolitical player. The country began to act. The Prophet accurately predicted the fate of the Celestial Empire. Only Cayce's statements about the cradle of Christianity are incomprehensible.

Predictions about Russia

In his "readings" Edgar Cayce also touched upon the fate of Russia. He said that freedom would come from Russia. It will not be communism or socialism, the Russians will create a new just order. People will not live for themselves, but for others.

The mission of the Slavs is to change the nature of relations between peoples. Relationships will be devoid of selfishness and material passions. Everything will be based on love, trust and wisdom.

Western Siberia will become the center of the new civilization. Here people will find protection from all environmental and climatic disasters. Siberia will not be touched by disasters.

Russia is a great power. This applies to her religious and spiritual development. Russians and peoples close to them will gradually change the life of the planet for the better.

In his Cayce prophecies, He predicted a bright future for Russians. There is a connection here with the religious beliefs of the Russians. Orthodoxy will play a special role in the future. A new world order will be built on its basis.

Russia will help to survive all the cataclysms. There is a grain of reason in this. The country is located in the center of Eurasia. Many areas rich in natural resources are not subject to flooding, earthquakes and other disasters. This will preserve favorable conditions for the subsequent restoration of the entire planet.

Many people write about the catastrophe that threatens the United States. San Andreas, Hayward, Rogers Creek, Long Valley, Yellowstone ... a series of cataclysms will be the beginning of the end for the entire continent. Something like this scenario was described by Edgar Cayce, the greatest seer of the last century.

During his life, he made thousands of predictions. Many witnesses confirm their authenticity. But in last years fakes have appeared, and I don't want to repeat them on my nefacto.ru. Therefore, I am only citing verified quotes here. This will simply be a translation from Edgar Cayce's 1967 book The Sleeping Prophet.

Strongest earthquakes will bury the United States

According to Casey, the cause of the cataclysms will be a change in the tilt of the earth's axis and a shift in magnetic poles. The processes launched in the second half of the 20th century will lead to radical changes on the entire planet, but America will suffer the most. Earthquakes will destroy vast areas of the United States.

"Many areas of the East Coast will be destroyed, as will the West Coast and the central United States."

“New York was destroyed by war or earthquake and has now been rebuilt. Industrial plants are scattered throughout the countryside. " Casey dreamed of such a future for New York.

“The coastal areas in eastern New York State, as well as New York City itself, will disappear. This will happen in the next generation, while the southern regions of the states of Carolina and Georgia will be destroyed. It will happen much faster. "

"Los Angeles, San Francisco will be among those to be destroyed before New York."

Most of American territory will be flooded

Many predictions say that the continents will change their shape. Coastal areas will be under water, new lands will appear somewhere. There is even flood map, but I will write about it separately. We still need to figure out who compiled it, because the authorship of Edgar Cayce is in question there.

“Even a small shift in the axis will lead to serious consequences for the earth's crust. Think what would happen if the Atlantic coast dropped only thirty feet? The eastern seaports will be flooded, and large areas of the Carolina, Georgia and Florida will be submerged. "

“New land areas will appear in the Atlantic and also in the Pacific. Where the coastline now runs will be the ocean floor. Even where many of the battlefields of our time are located, there will be an ocean, there will be seas, bays. And a new order will be established on the lands, and they will continue to trade. "

"Water will cover Alabama, Norfolk will be a huge seaport."

“California may gradually separate from the continental US due to the large displacement of the Pacific Ocean floor. The Hawaiian Islands, surrounded by a deep depression, are slowly sinking into the ocean. "

“Shifts in the earth's crust will occur in many places. At first (in a forty-year period) there will be noticeable changes in the west coast of America. Open waters will appear in the northern part of Greenland. There will be new lands in the Caribbean ... South America will shake the whole, from beginning to end. From Antarctica to Tierra del Fuego there will be land and strait with a fast current. "

“The waters of the Great Lakes will one day flow into Gulf of Mexico

The future of Russia in the predictions of Edgar Cayce

According to eyewitnesses, the sleeping prophet often spoke about our country. Russia was some kind of obsession for him. Casey believed that the world peace depends on the "unpredictable bear". This is the future he predicted for Russia almost before his death in 1945:

“The hope of the whole world will come from Russia. She's not in so-called communism. No. But true freedom, when everyone lives for the sake of their neighbor. This principle appeared there. It will take years for it to crystallize. Nevertheless, hope for the world will come from Russia again. "

“The religious revival of Russia will give the world hope. Alone or with allies, Russia will create the conditions for gradual change, final settlement and rule of the world. "

Casey saw that in the end Russia and the United States would be united by friendship: “What will Russia be guided by? Because of her friendship with this nation, she will even offer to place In God WeTrust on her currency. " This translates to "We Trust God" - the US national motto that they print on their dollars.

The future of the world - what Edgar Cayce predicted

Well, a little about other regions. Global cataclysms will occur in many countries and will affect almost the entire planet. Although it is the United States that will suffer the most. Here is what the sleeping prophet said about these events:

“There will be displacements of the earth's crust in the Arctic and Antarctica. This will lead to volcanic eruptions in regions with hot climates. The poles will shift, so that the cold and subtropical zones will become tropics, there will be mosses and ferns. "

“New York, London, Paris and some other big cities may eventually disappear from the face of the Earth, although the peoples will manage to avoid the Third World War. Perhaps one day they will be flooded by the world's oceans. "

“About physical changes. There will be fractures in the earth's crust in the west of America. Much of Japan will be submerged. The upper (northern) part of Europe will instantly change. New land will appear to the east of the American coast. "

However, even in North America there will be “islands of safety” - territories that will hardly be affected. Here's what Casey himself said about it:

“There are areas on the Virginia coast that will become safety zones. The same sites will be in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, in many areas in the south and east of Canada. At the same time, much of the western land will be destroyed, and the same will happen in other countries. "

When the cataclysms predicted by Casey begin

When it comes to global disasters, everyone is interested in specific terms. But this is usually a problem. For example, about when yellowstone explodes, there are several versions at once. Edgar Cayce does not have exact dates either. But in his texts you can find the necessary information:

The seer made all his apocalyptic predictions in the thirties and early forties of the last century. There were always witnesses present. One of the eyewitnesses in 1967 recalled this:

"To a 51-year-old woman in 1943, he said that the coming destruction would take place in the next generation."

At the same time, Casey said more than once that dangerous processes will be launched closer to the end of the forty-year period, which will end in 1998.

"In 2000, the new cycle will be in full swing."

Finally, he gave clear indications that a disaster was on the way. When asked when everything will start, Casey replied:

“When will there be the first cataclysms in the South Sea (which is in the South Pacific), which can manifest itself in flooding or, conversely, in raising the bottom. Or in the Mediterranean and in the Etna region. Then we can know that it started. "

When Etna woke up in 1964, many decided that Cayce's predictions were coming true. Then the volcano calmed down. A new cycle of eruptions began in the early nineties, and since 2011 they began to occur regularly, several times a year.

And also Edgar Cayce's predictions about Russia, the United States and some countries from other sources.

"Reading 3976-29. This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the Association's office at Arctic Crescent, June 22, 1944.
In attendance: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor; Gladys Davis and Mildred Tancy, stenographers. "

“What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say "freedom." Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in different ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want? "

“Hope for the world will come from Russia; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his brother "

"The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and rough material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom."

“There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of nations that will be the closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing the conditions of life around the world. "

“Changes are coming, you can be sure, there will be an evolution or a revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The foundations for this for the whole world will eventually come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism. "

“The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is to sink into the sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctic, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift such that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical and moss and ferns will grow there. "

"Many areas of the east coast near modern New York, or even most of New York itself, will disappear. However, this is the lot of future generations. Much earlier, the southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist. The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) are likely to flow into Gulf (Gulf of Mexico) The (Virginia Beach) area will be among the safest, as will areas in present-day Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as much of the south and east of Canada. destruction, which, of course, will occur in other countries "

Casey also said that after all these shocks, the planet will change a lot, but Russia will suffer less than others. It is she who will lead the new civilization, the center of which will be Western Siberia.

The most amazing predictor of the 20th century is certainly the AmericanEdgar Cayce(1877-1945). Edgar Cayce's predictions, its phenomenon and fate still remains a mystery to everyone. He discovered his gift as a child. Being in critical condition after a spinal injury, he, in a semi-conscious state, dictated the recipe for his treatment to the attending physician. The next day, when he woke up, he could not remember anything. After this incident, being in a hypnotic state of sleep, he dictated the recipes for treatment to other people and during his life, thus, he helped to heal thousands of people.

About him in Russia was kept silent for a long time due to the fact that the greatest prophet of the past century Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the liquidation of the CPSU, as the leading party in the country of Soviets, and all the consequences associated with these changes, both in Russia itself and the entire world community.
That Russia has a special mission, Casey said more than once, in particular in the book "Memories" the prophet literally asserts the following: - on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the Communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. ”
When the prophet was asked why he received such an incomprehensible gift, he always answered with the words of Buddha: "Never ask why."
This has always strengthened and warmed up the curious, who put forward many hypotheses, reduced to one, generalized: Casey's ability to foresee, predict, read minds and do much more, contrary to all known laws of nature and common sense - a consequence of a head injury received during childhood during the game baseball.
This allegedly disrupted some of the structures of the brain, immensely expanding its thinking abilities.
But is it that simple? At one time, Soviet intelligence became aware of other circumstances of the appearance of the unusual "gift" of Casey, which were later confirmed by the records of the prophet's diaries published by the writer Arthur Hull. In Hull's And Here Comes the Noise of Thoughts, the author quotes the seer's diaries dating from the 1930s and presents everyone with an indisputable fact. It turns out Casey became clairvoyant, shortly after Kentucky "was hit by loud, leading some citizens to terrifying unbearable headaches and even suicide, the sounds of an absolutely mysterious nature."
Then an incredible event happened that turned Cayce's whole life and the established ideas about the structure of the universe, space, the place of man in it, about the existence of God and the soul, as an integral part of the intelligent General Whole.
Edgar Cayce, on the eve of the new 1902, got aboard a huge sparkling spaceship-disk, where he was greeted by six exact living copies of Cayce. At first, these "doubles" of the future prophet demonstrated from space our beautiful peaceful Earth in different angles, and then this amazing and fabulous Time Machine, which turned out to be a spaceship, "carried away" or, more correctly, moved passengers into the second half of the 21st century, where before their eyes From a bird's eye view of Edgar, a terrifying picture of a completely different Earth appeared.
Casey saw the continuous ruins of cities that shook his imagination: the remains of Japan, Northern Europe, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London.
Like a diamond, Russia sparkled and shimmered with city lights, which escaped the catastrophe caused by a global military conflict so crushing that it set tectonic plates into dangerous motion.
All this preceded the unique abilities of Edgar Cayce to mentally or astrally travel in time, which he was endowed with by the higher beings of the Universe, and which became his usual occupation. The Prophet more than once in the future had the opportunity to use the "personal" Time Machine and to be transported in the astral body to various points of spatio-temporal events, both in the past and in the future, where he had to solve the most difficult tasks requiring personal presence in the field.
The archive of the clinic in Virginia Beach, within the walls of which Cayce prophesied and healed, contains 14 thousand sheets with his predictions. The latter refers to January 1, 1945. The Prophet, suffering from a lung disease that is not tuberculosis or malignant formation, but inevitably depletes the body, said that he would leave this world on January 5, which he did. A year later, a glass panel was installed in the wall of the clinic's hall, on which fragments of "Casey's Scenario of the Future, composed in 1928" were engraved.
In particular, he unmistakably named the year of the beginning of World War II, the number of its victims, year, month, the date of the founding of the State of Israel, India's independence, the time and place of the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. But perhaps most impressively, long before the ancient scrolls of the Qumran caves of Palestine were found, he detailed their contents, identical to the translations made by modern scholars.
He also said that towards the end of the 21st century, the earth's climate will radically change, which will completely transform the map of the world.

Map of the future world, compiled according to the description of Edgar Cayce (black color shows, apparently, flooded areas of the Earth).


“Hope will come to the world from Russia. Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from liberated Russia! It will take years before this happens. The new religious development of Russia will give the world one last hope. "
“The mission of the peoples of Slavic Russia is to radically change the essence of human relationships. Liberation from selfishness and gross material passions will come from the East. Relations between peoples will be restored on a new basis: trust and wisdom. "
With regard to the United States, Cayce said that "many geophysical changes, to a greater or lesser degree," with a "significant transformation" of the North Atlantic coastline. Los Angeles and San Francisco will be destroyed before New York. Areas of the east coast near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live. As for the southern parts of Carolina and Georgia, they will disappear completely. He stated that the earth's axis would be shifted by 2001, followed by a climate change: "Areas with a cold or subtropical climate will become more tropical, and there will be moss and ferns."


CASEY *** 10.500.000 BC: The emergence of ape-like people,
living in caves and dividing into families. They have shaped the bodies of modern humanity.
CASEY *** 200,000 BC: Arrival on the Earth plane of the extraterrestrial spirit entities that formed Atlantis. The entities "were thought-forms" capable of "pushing out ... like an amoeba." They are hyperspace or non-physical beings.
CASEY *** 100,000 BC: Amilius, then a spiritual entity, notices an impending crisis. Thought-forming essences are separated from their spiritual roots and are able to "condense".
CASEY *** 75,000 BC: Thought-form entities "condense or appear in the form of the present human body." On Earth, a hyperdimensional thought-form presence suddenly begins to occupy human bodies and the bodies of animals. The spiritual consciousness of mankind is born, along with this, the forgetting of its original heritage occurs. Amilius begins a global program for the liberation of hyperspace entities, joining them in physical form and teaching them who they really are. This incarnation of Amilius is called Adam, the "First Man."
CASEY *** 50,000 BC: The first major human technological civilization on Earth perishes as a result of the pole shift. Almost complete destruction of Lemuria and partial flooding of Atlantis. The World Conference has just decided to use a radiant weapon designed to kill large numbers of predatory animals. After the pole shift, the inhabitants found that the use of radiation only exacerbated a cycle that was about to end anyway.
CASEY *** 25,000 BC: Second major flood in Atlantis. Civilization is dying again.
CASEY *** 12.500 BC: Third major flood in Atlantis. To partially preserve the archives, the Great Pyramid is being built.
CASEY *** Year 0 BC: Amilius (Adam) returns to Earth in his last physical incarnation as Jesus Christ. He completes His commitment by providing humanity with the knowledge of how to get out of materiality through the Ascension process. This creates a pattern that all others must follow.
CASEY *** AD 2001: Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift.

Since we have all the data right in front of us, it is useful to point out some other information in Cayce's cosmology that is now supported by modern science. Casey's timeline appears on Earth human bodies dates back ten million years ago. Which ties in exactly with the most recent research carried out by Thompson and Cremo regarding the historical cases of the discovery of complete human skeletons. The colossal work that codifies these discoveries is called Forbidden Archeology, and their claims are backed up by established science. The conclusion is this: Darwin's whole theory is wrong, and modern humanoid beings have existed on Earth in one form or another for about the last ten million years.
In the Cayce readings, the arrival of extraterrestrial spirit beings on Earth is dated 200,000 years ago. Interestingly enough, modern geneticists have come to the conclusion that human DNA can be traced back to Eve, who lived about 200,000 years ago. This fact is most fully covered in the book of Zechariah Sitchin Leafing through the Book of Genesis. The work of Richard Hoagland and others on the likelihood of extraterrestrial ruins on Mars (which we have already explored in previous chapters) also points to a time of 200,000 years ago.
This was probably the last time Mars was cataclyssed by an asteroid collision (or for another reason) that led to its destruction. There is overwhelming evidence that Mars once resembled Earth in the past with abundant oceans, blue skies, clouds and rain. Evidence from researchers such as astrophysicist Thomas Van Flendern strongly suggests that a colossal explosion caused by an asteroid (or some other reason) is responsible for the death of Mars. Another source of information is found in the book The Mystery of Mars by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvel. Interestingly, the most recent "Meteorite from Mars", investigated in Europe, revealed the presence of bacterial life on it, the age of which dates back 200,000 years ago. It is quite possible that it was that planetary cataclysm that triggered the chipping off of the meteorite.
Returning to the essential point put forward in the Cayce readings: it seems that all modern people"Descended" from a more spiritual and energetic form of life. This form of life is described as "thought-forms ... capable of being pushed into matter like an amoeba." Readings don't stop
they are detailed, but it is implied that they possessed an infinite intelligence sufficient to project themselves first into animals. The inevitable conclusion that we come to, based on the Cayce Readings: the intelligent energy of these creations caused a modification of the DNA of the hominids on the planet.
Entering bodies, they could have a certain effect on the structures of DNA. Casey says that in turn, their final "densification" by 75,000 BC led to the emergence of modern humanoids. Hence, the modification of the DNA structure was the "compaction" or "placement" mentioned in the Cayce Readings. Cayce's account of history indicates that the vibrations of the entities themselves had a direct impact on the molecular structure of human DNA.
The above coincides with the interesting DNA facts we have already discussed. Scientists, including the discoverers of the DNA molecule itself, have repeatedly demonstrated that the DNA "blueprint" is too complex to be the result of random evolutionary processes supported by Darwin's model. Consequently, the scientific paradigm is shifting towards “smart design”. Moreover, as already established, Gregg Braden cited research proving that a DNA molecule, when placed in a cylinder of light, will attract photons and force them to spiral around itself. And we remember that he also said that the spiraling movement will continue after the DNA is removed. So, since we saw that the “spiral line of light” is the main building block of the Consciousness Unit, and according to Seth, the Consciousness Unit is the structure of all intelligent perception, everything becomes clearer. Each of us is in fact a "condensed" wavelength of the form of consciousness, which was once a form of pure spiral Light (and Light, as we know from physics, has a wave nature, or oscillatory)! Since we learned at the end of the 20th century that the DNA of modern mankind can be traced back to 200,000 years ago, it should be accepted that there is an increasing body of scientific evidence that accurately aligns with Cayce's data, data ahead of the most recent scientific discoveries.

Quite recently, many experts considered Keyes' forecast that in 2010 the Soviet Union would be revived. However, now, this prediction is gradually starting to come true. The first candidate for unification, as you know, is Belarus. And further, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Ukraine, Armenia and Kazakhstan can catch up with us. And even Georgia, which stubbornly and unsuccessfully tries to live independently, may take a step towards Russia. And how can we not recall Vanga's prophecy that our homeland "will once again become a great empire"!
Case also had other predictions. In particular, he prophesied the growth of China's political power. "More and more adherents of the Christian faith will come to politics," said the American. "One day China will become the cradle of Christianity ... Much time will pass by human standards, but this is just one day in the heart of God. For tomorrow China will awaken." The third world war, according to Keyes, is not expected, but the Earth will be seized by something no less catastrophic - natural disasters. So, back in the 1930s, when no one really thought about climate change on the planet, the predictor predicted global warming. "Areas with cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical and ferns will grow there," Keyes said. the bay ... Volcanoes in Hawaii will wake up, and a wave so strong that the southern coast of California will disappear under water in three months ... Open waters will appear in the northern regions of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea. South America will shake from top to bottom, and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, the earth will rise from the bottom and a strait with raging waters will appear. "
According to Case's forecast, climatic and seismic cataclysms will affect the entire planet, which will cause it to change dramatically. At the same time, Russia will suffer less than the others and will lead a reviving civilization, the center of which, surprisingly, will be Western Siberia. True, the prophet was already mistaken with the timing: he assigned all these misfortunes to the end of the 20th century, guessing, in fact, only the beginning of all his predictions. By the way, here, too, Keyes's prophecy resembles Wanga's prediction. “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia,” she said in 1979. "She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world."
During his lifetime, Keyes himself declared that he would be reborn again in 2100 in Nebraska and personally verify the truth of his prophecies ...


The world awaits the most tragic of all of Cayce's prophecies: a surge of earthquakes that will destroy continents and transform the globe.
In 1936 he predicted that the ruins of ancient Atlantis would be discovered near the Bimini Islands in 1968-1969.
Keyes predicted by the end of the century the destruction of New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. He said that most of Japan would be submerged and that Northern Europe would be transformed in no time. He further said that even many of the places where battles are now raging will be oceans, seas, bays, lands, where there will be a new order according to which they will trade with each other. With regard to North America, he said that there would be many geophysical changes, to a greater or lesser extent, with a significant transformation of the North Atlantic coast. In 1934, Keyes said that the Earth would break in many places. First, the west coast of America will be transformed. In the northern regions of Greenland, open waters will arise, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea ... South America will be shaken from top to bottom; and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, there will be land and a strait with raging waters.
Later, Case spoke in more detail about the American cataclysms: “Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the east coast will shake, as will many areas of the west coast, as will the central United States.
Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York. Areas of the east coast near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear. And it will happen earlier.
The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico. "
Cayce's prophecies span the period from 1936 to 1998, from the first minor earthquakes to the destruction of New York. He stated that the earth's axis will be displaced by 2001, followed by a change in climate.
The noted increase in volcanic activity and an increase in the number of earthquakes in the 60s has already made skeptics think, who chuckled at such assumptions. As if indulging Keis, Mount Etna erupted in 1964 and 1971 with greater than usual intensity, and on August 4, 1979, the eruption was the most significant ever. Residents of the nearby village of Fornazzo were evacuated, and the eastern Sicilian city of Catania was littered with ash, coals and stones, something that has never happened in 20 years. Terrible disaster could be observed in mainland Italy 46 miles to the northeast. The 1964 Alaska earthquake - the strongest ever recorded on the North American continent - caused the Antarctic to wobble. An earthquake in China killed more than 655,000 people in 1976, and in the same year more than 22,000 people died in Guatemala. In the 70s, earthquakes occurred all over the world, from Peru to Pakistan, from Yugoslavia to the Philippines. On August 6, 1979, the North Coast Rift Valley was shaken by the worst earthquake in 68 years. On October 15, 1979, tremors swept through the Imperial Valley, leaving many casualties and $ 10,000,000 in damage.
Keyes' most interesting and at the same time unlikely prediction is that a free Soviet Union will "be reborn." In the religious transformations of Russia, he saw "the greatest hope of the world." Keyes foresaw her alliance with the United States, which later helped Russia in difficult times, saying that the USSR "will come out of the crisis thanks to friendship with the people, whose banknotes read" We believe in God. " Keyes also foresaw the unprecedented spread of Christianity in China: “Here will one day be the cradle of Christianity that will enter life itself. May a long time pass on earth, but only a day in the heart of God. So, tomorrow China will wake up. "
Today, as Keyes predicted, his work continues to live on under the auspices of the Research and Education Association, a Virginia Beach-based charity dedicated to spiritual growth. psychological research and the practical application of Keyes' 14,256 recorded prophecies. Edgar Cayce is no longer with us, but his spirit is in the AIP. And he will come again to see the successes of his followers - as he predicted that he will return in 1998, possibly as the "liberator of the world."
"The mission of the Slavic peoples," said Edgar Cayce, "is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and rough material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom." Edgar Cayce. He believed that it was: “Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the Communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. ”
According to new documents uncovered by the Association for Research and Education (ARE), Edgar Cayce predicted the emergence of the Fifth Root Race on Earth in 2004.
This information sounded in an interview with Dr. Gregory Little, which he gave to Mitch Battros on the television program "Earth Changes". Dr. Little, who has published three books on the paranormal and holds a Ph.D. in psychology, is the associate editor of Alternate Perceptions and a researcher on Edgar Cayce.
Mitch emphasizes that this prophecy of Keyes is consistent with the prediction of the Hopi Indians, which says: "At this time we will enter the Fifth World."
In his interview, Dr. Little also spoke of the three Halls of Testimonies. According to him, one of them is located under the right paw of the Sphinx in Giza. Another is in Pasadena, Bahamas, and the third is in Piedras Negras, Guatemala. Piedras Negras, home to several ancient Mayan pyramids and palaces, is the birthplace of the modern Mayan elder Carlos Barrios.
Dr. Little believes that the children of the Fifth Root Race will have:
· More developed DNA with unique self-healing properties;
· A higher level of vital energy;
· Higher content of phosphorus in the body.
Talking about the last point, Dr. Little points out that the word "phosphorus" literally translated from Greek means "luminiferous" or "light-bearing".

Edgar Cayce's Prophecies about Russia: Myth or Reality.
[article from the series on the history of prophecy].

Last year, Sergei Fokin, a convinced falsifier of prophecies, published an article "World Prophecies about the Joining of the Countries of Europe, Asia and America" ​​to Russia.
The article begins with a "prophecy" from Edgar Cayce, which he allegedly uttered in early 1941:
“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of the USSR will come, but Russia will not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will begin to revive, but will revive in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.
Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope.
The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to the power of its new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will also become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire human race has dreamed of throughout its existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his companions to become fantastically strong and mighty almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his companions to become practically immortal. The rest of the people will call him himself, and even his descendants, who live for 600 years, only as Gods. He, his descendants, his companions will have no shortage of anything - neither clean fresh water, nor food, nor clothing, nor energy, nor weapons, for reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when all the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism.
God will be with him. He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world. His home, and the home of his new race will be in the South of Siberia. "

When the reader sees in front of him such a beautiful picture of the "bright future", which is being developed before his gaze by another apologist for the apostolic role of Russia, then a completely legitimate question arises:
And what inner content is hidden behind the beautiful picture that Sergei Fokin presented to Russian society?
And here the splendor and decency disappear somewhere very quickly.
The author was asked the simplest question:
Since you began your article with a quote from Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), what is the year and number of reading (Reading), where did you get this quote?
And what the readers heard to their amazement !!!
Sergei Fokin piled up a bunch of words, but did not answer a simple question:
“Dear Tamara Nikolaevna and Evgeny Gennadievich, after you have detailed everything that you think of me, I am somehow not very disposed to discuss your comments. Yes, and with a position to specific concepts, you need to decide so as not to waste time. And it turns out that we seem to be talking about the same things, but everyone understands them in their own way.
By the way, I found on one of the resources on the Internet a very intelligible, in my opinion, explanation of what should be understood as “constructive criticism”. Personally, I am very impressed by it, it would be nice for us to be guided by similar principles in the further dialogue.
I quote further:
“Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people coming into motion and who do not understand the difference between constructive and non-constructive criticism. The fact is that we need constructive criticism, and we welcome and encourage it in every possible way! But we absolutely do not need unconstructive criticism, which will not only be discouraged, but also removed.
What is constructive criticism and how it differs from non-constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism is a type of criticism in which attention is paid precisely to solving problems, mistakes and contradictions, and not only to identifying them.
Constructive criticism is opposed to non-constructive criticism, which is aimed at insulting and belittling the opponent.
Constructive criticism is always aimed at helping the opponent. At the same time, criticism, which is based on good intentions to help another person, but which is perceived by this person negatively, is not constructive.
Constructive criticism is usually directed at specific problems, contradictions, and mistakes. Non-constructive criticism is usually directed at the personality of the opponent, his characteristics ... "
(read the full article - http://thezeitgeistmovement.ru/forum/to ... /).
I confess that after reading the above material devoted to the interpretation of the concept of "constructive criticism", I had a desire to re-read my articles, because of which, as I understand it, you are offended at me. "
* * *

Unfortunately, Sergei Fokin is not alone.
In the Veda magazine we read:
“Edgar Cayce (the American“ sleeping prophet ”) on the eve of the victory of the USSR in the Second World War (1939-1945) at the end of 1944 made several predictions concerning Russia:
“Before the 20th century is over, the collapse of communism will begin in the USSR, but Russia, which has freed itself from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis ...
However, after 2010 the former USSR will revive, but will revive in a new form ...
It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world ...
Through Russia, the rest of the world will receive the hope of a lasting and just peace ...
Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope ...
The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power. This will happen thanks to the power of their new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist ...
And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him ...
Subsequently, he will become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet ... ”(while there is a reference to the text of reading 3976-15).
* * *

The site http://www.near-death.com/experiences/cayce11.html, which also contains "prophecies" from Edgar Cayce, gives the following text:
“From Russia comes the hope of the world. Not Communism or Bolshevism, no! But freedom, freedom! So everyone will live for their neighbor. The principle itself was born there, but it will take years for it to crystallize, and then the hope of the world will come from Russia again "..." The evolution or revolution of religious thought will spread throughout the world from Russia. Not Communism, no! But rather what Christ taught, this kind of "communism" ...
The poles will move. Displacements will occur in the Arctic and Antarctica, resulting in eruptions in the tropical belt, the upper part of Europe will change in the blink of an eye ...
The earth will undergo catastrophic destruction ... Most of Europe will change beyond recognition in a single instant. England is half-flooded ...
In case of terrible natural disasters, the territory of Russia will suffer less than other countries. The huge continental slab on which our country is located will remain almost untouched. The region from the Urals to Baikal will become a modern analogue of the Noah's Ark ...
The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and rough material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom ...
The former USSR will be reborn, but it will be reborn in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the rest of the world will receive the hope of a lasting and just peace ...
Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born in Russia ...
There is great hope for the World in the religious development of Russia The people or group of peoples who will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better during the period of gradual changes and the final establishment of the rules governing the order in the world ...
From Russia ... hope for the world will come. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: "We believe in God" ... "(for which there is a link to the text of reading 3976-19).
* * *

So, let's try to figure out what is true in these "prophecies" and what is false.

[Historical reference.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was an American mystic, medium, and self-proclaimed "healer." From 1902 until his death in January 1945, Edgar Cayce, resorting to trance, made more than 30 thousand answers (called "readings") to a wide variety of questions, ranging from diagnoses and prescriptions for patients and ending with information about the causes of the death of civilizations. Since 1926, Casey began to keep an archive: fourteen thousand completed verbatim records of telepathy sessions, which he decomposed into consultations (12316) and predictions (1642 - mostly of a domestic nature) by year and readings (Readings). This archive has survived to this day in excellent condition.
Since the overwhelming number of sessions was done by him in a special state of trance, reminiscent of a dream, he received the nickname "The Sleeping Prophet". As a follower of the Disciples of Christ Protestant Church, Casey was very religious.
With sponsorship, he founded Casey Hospital in Virginia Beach in 1929, and the Association for Research and Education was formed in 1931].

Before Perestroika, Soviet citizens generally knew little about the prophecies of Edgar Cayce. The first "historical legends" about him got into print sometime in 1988. And again, as usual in our country, the effect of the “spoiled” telephone first affected, and then, with the advent of the Internet, deliberate falsification began, when the apologists of “the theology of the tsar-redeemer” urgently needed additional evidence of their theory that “Holy Tsar Nicholas II atoned for sin with his blood The perjury to the conciliar vow of fidelity to the legitimate autocratic Tsars from the House of Romanov "and" our sins, that is, of subsequent generations, Nicholas II embraced as his atoning sacrifice "(Life Eternal newspaper, since 1994).
Since there was a “Atoning Sacrifice”, it means that there should be a “Bright Future” for the Russian people, led by “highly qualified officials”. Since “Bright Future” is ahead, it means that someone should have predicted it. Since none of the Russian seers talked about this, and the massive falsification via the Internet was still ahead, we had to return to the formula: "Abroad will help us!"
An intense search began, which soon led to Edgar Cayce.
So, first, let's see what is actually said in the texts of readings 3976-15 and 3976-19, which are referred to by the apologists for the apostolic role of Russia.

Reading text 3976-15.
This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr and Mrs T. Mitchell Hastings, New York, 410 Park Avenue, 19th January 1934, in response to questions from those present.
Attendees: Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Case, conductor Gladys Davis, stenographer Carolyn B. Hastings, Josephine McCherry, T. Mitchell Hastings.
Reading time 11:40 - 12:40

Hugh Lynn Cays: We are looking for information that will be of value and interest to those present, including T. Mitchell Hastings, regarding the spiritual and physical changes that will affect the earth. You will tell us what role we can play in these changes and in helping others understand these changes. After every fifteen minutes, you will pause to prepare the equipment for recording until I tell you to continue. You will speak clearly at your normal speaking speed, and you will answer the questions we ask.

Edgar Cayce: Yes; each of you has his own level of development, each strives to be a channel of blessing for a fellow, each attunes himself to the Throne of the information of the universe. And you can get something that can be useful not only for you, but also for others.
Many may ask you about the sources, regarding the channel for obtaining such information. Know that the information is as high as it corresponds to your level of development, as much as you really deserve it; and how useful it can be in your own experience, and in the experience of those to whom you can give it.
The information should be enlightening; it should also be of practical value to your own experience and to the experiences of those close to you. It should be not only informative, but also constructive; although what is informative, what is enlightening and what is constructive, should overlap from time to time.
Then first: Soon the body must enter the world; which for many will be considered a representative of a sect or group, but will be beloved by all people in all places where the universality of God on earth is proclaimed, where the unity of God as Father is known.
When and where should this chosen one appear? In the hearts and minds of those who are ready to become a channel through which spiritual, mental and material things become one in the purpose and desires of this physical body.
Regarding the physical changes, which should be an omen, a signal that this is coming soon - as given by the ancients, the sun will darken and the earth will split in different places - then should be proclaimed - through a spiritual channel in the hearts, minds and souls of those who were looking for His way is that His star has appeared, and will show the way for those who enter the holy of holies in themselves. Because, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the Governing, in the minds and hearts of people, should always be in those who recognized Him; because He is as much God for man as He is manifested in his heart and in the actions of his body, man. And for those who seek, He will appear.
Again with regard to physical changes: the earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is to sink into the sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. The lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctica, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - so that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there. These changes will begin between AD 58 and 98, this will be the period when His light will be seen again in the clouds.
Concerning those things that belong to the mental part. There will be those who awaken from inner inaction to spiritual truths that need to be given, and there will be places where the actions of teachers among people will manifest, and turmoil and strife must enter. And the indecision of those who could act as emissaries, as teachers from the throne of life and light, the throne of immortality, and fight against darkness. There will be a large number of those who will be an obstacle for people and their weaknesses, they will wage war with the spirit of light that enters the earth to awaken them; it was and is called for those who are in the service of God. Since He, as said, is not the God of the dead, not the God of those who left Him, but those who welcome His coming, the God of the living, the God of life. Because He is Life.
Who should declare an acceptable year for God to be born in America? Those from the land where regeneration took place, not of the body, but of the mind and spirit of people, they must come and declare that John Peniel will give the world a new order of things. Not what they can proclaim and what can be rejected, but what they will clarify in the minds of people so that they can know the truth and truth, life, light, will make them free.
I proclaim what is given to me to give to you who sit here, who hear and who see the light practicing in the east, and who see their weakness and know that it will make your roads straight. For you, in your weakness, the path through which you manifest the spirit of truth and light is known and what was declared in the message to you: "Love your Lord God with all your heart", and the second is similar to this: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Who is your neighbor? Someone whom you can help in any way that he, your neighbor, your brother, will need. Help him stand on his own two feet. Because only such an acceptable path is known. Weak and unsteady, must enter into an ordeal and become as nothing like Him.

1. Question: What physical changes should take place in the world this year?
Edgar Cayce: The Earth will be destroyed in many places. Changes will be visible on the west coast of America. Waters will be opened in the northern part of Greenland. New lands will appear in the Caribbean. The king's young son will soon reign. In the political forces of the countries of America, we see the restoration of stabilization and the destruction of cliques in many places.

2. Question: To which country was the reference made regarding the young king?
Edgar Cayce: Germany.

3. Question: Is America fulfilling its mission?
Edgar Cayce: Rather, you need to look for an answer to the question, do people fill the channels through which they should apply their knowledge? There is a path for every person, for every nation. What you see on earth is a shadow of spiritual truth, life and light. Is America the One?
Is it fulfilling its purpose? Or is it more likely to fill the space reserved for the human experience? What do you do with the knowledge you have about your Creator's relationship to your fellow man? As you can see, America has become not only the strongest, but also a haven for many from different countries, while striving for the whole. And here and there, as given, His messengers must appear. And they will help make the roads straight.

4. Question: Explain the connection between the information just given about Germany and the changes during the year and the information already given through this channel on Hitler.
Edgar Cayce: Read, my children, what is given; man had one destiny if he did not allow Imperialism to enter - and if he did. Hence, there is a question for doubt here.

5. Question: Who will reveal the history of the past in the records that are said to be near the Sphinx in Egypt?
Edgar Cayce: As stated in the records of the Law of One in Atlantis, three will come. With such an experience of being on earth, and a balance of spiritual, mental and material, that they can become the channels through which what is now preserved in the earth (which is a shadow of the spiritual world prepared by God for His children) can be announced.

6. Question: Is Roosevelt right?
Edgar Cayce: Who's Right? One who will be led by the spirit of truth. He, Roosevelt, was raised for privilege; and whether he - like others - will use those privileges in His ways that are right, or make mistakes with those he influences, and will be the measure of rightness. The main thing in what he has done so far has been based on the spirit of truth. What people will do with the truth that he proclaims is an open question.

7. Question: Will he outlive his term?
Edgar Cayce: The favorable period for the influence of destructive forces has passed. Such a period will come again, but not this year. As to what the final result will be, it depends - as always - on what has been done in relation to this period.

8. Question: Is there any other advice for those gathered here that will enable us to better understand our responsibility?
Edgar Cayce: Everyone is gathered here in the name of God, our Father, those who seek to know His ways, and those who are behind the veil of their understanding. As you show mercy, so the Father can show mercy to you. As you demonstrate wisdom, as you show love for your neighbor, so in relation to you can be shown love and wisdom. Be joyful in God, knowing that He is always present with those who seek Him. He is not in heaven, but makes heaven in your own heart if you accept Him. He, God the Father, is present and manifested in the way you deal with your fellow human beings in your own experience.
Knowing the Father, be a father to your fellow man. Knowing the Father's love, show your love to your doubting, erring fellow — but for those who seek, not those who condemn. ”
* * *

Reading text 3976-19.
This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the home of Mr and Mrs T. Mitchell Hastings, New York, 410 Park Avenue, June 24, 1934, in response to questions from those present.
Attendees: Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cays, Gertrude Cayce, conductor Gladys Davis, stenographer Carolyn B. Hastings, Josephine McCherry, T. Mitchell Hastings.
Reading time 11:10 - 11:40

“Gertrude Cayce: This time you will continue the information given on Monday, June 20th on state and international relations, and which will be presented at the Congress on Monday, June 27th. Please continue this topic and describe in general terms the current state of affairs in America and other countries. Then you will answer the questions to be asked.

Edgar Cayce: Since the application of these truths or principles becomes the basic need of the peoples of every earth at the moment, one must be convinced of their fulfillment in America, and then they must be applied in various situations, political, economic and other general situations throughout the earth.
This may seem impractical at first glance; yet these are the conditions to be met. Every phase of human experience and human relationships must be taken into account; each of us is the keeper of our fellow man.
If those who are in a position to give others their means, their wealth, their education, do not take these things into account, then there will be an equalization.
Because if such issues are not taken into account, in the end there will be a revolution in such a country - and there will be a division of one against the other. Because they are the equalizing means that people turn to when there is abundance in some and lack of livelihood in the lives of others.
These are events in which phenomena such as crime, riots and all kinds of unrest occur - when those in power do not consider every level, every phase of a person's activities and human experience.
We find that such conditions arose in some other lands - in Russia, Italy, Germany; conditions that now exist in Spain, China, Japan. What are they? Oppression of workers and disregard for the rights of others by those in power, instead of becoming guardians of their fellows.
Then those who are in power should know that they are the keepers of their fellows, and should be the spokesmen for what is designated as “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. and your neighbor as yourself. "
This rule should apply. It is true that some factions in Russia have attempted to do this. There are those who have applied and are applying the same thing not only in economic life, but also in spiritual life.
But when class differences appear between certain groups, certain parties, then someone becomes a different class, not your neighbor, the same as yourself.
All people will appear before Him as one. Since God makes no distinction between people, these things cannot last long. These circumstances, arising in other lands, for America - the United States should be a warning.
Who Owns the Wealth? Who owns the opportunities of the earth?
To those who have inherited this, to those who have position and power? Or to those who produce it with their labor?
Not that everyone should unite together in the communist idea to keep the balance, to keep the unity. It is necessary to establish a relationship in which freedom will be preserved; every soul is given the opportunity to freedom of expression and activity.
But all of them, not specifically mentioning where or how, should strive through their own abilities, their own activities, to give some part of themselves to those who work in the vineyard of God. Consequently, these approaches can be applied in national and international relations.
First, there should be a stabilization of the monetary system. Then there must be an exchange of objects of trade in such a way in which not only the differences of one part of the land from another will play a role, but everything will be taken into account.
Until this is done, excitement and strife will arise. Fear of slavery in any form is what the people of America have feared and fear.
Everyone, however, should know that those who are the most influential, those who are able to make the most contribution in any field of activity, should be the servants of all; and not those who can be masters over others.
Since God loved the world so much that he gave it to his only Son, who should know that life in its manifestations, in its expressions and relationships as one to another consists not in manifestations of greed or hatred, not in those things that belittle and belittle, but in those that create hope, faith and understanding in the minds and hearts of people.
Everything that is needed to sustain life is produced from the soil. This means that there must be a return to earth. Each person should be in such a position that he, at least, creates by his efforts what is needed to support his body - from the soil. Since the body is made of dust, daily bread is made from dust.
Then the mind and spirit, in accordance with these designated things, will bring into the experience of everyone that relationship of one to another, where all people will be brothers. Because it should bring and keep one peace with the other. "
* * *

As we can see in the texts of readings 3976-15 and 3976-19, not a single word is dedicated to Russia.
Now the question arises:
Did Edgar Cayce say anything about the Soviet Union or Russian Federation?
Indeed, in 1932, as well as in 1944, on the eve of the end of World War II, Casey made three predictions about Russia.
Only three !!!
But their meaning is the opposite, those quotes that are on the Internet today, it was about the World Spiritual Transformation of the peoples of the USSR, and not about the revival of the Russian imperial ambitions of Russian "highly qualified" officials.

First: the text of reading 3976-10.
This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce in his office on February 8, 1932, in accordance with questions asked by and by active members of the Research and Education Association.
Attendees: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor Gladys Davis, stenographer, and his wife, Hugh Lynn and LB Casey, and Mildred Davis.
Reading time 11:10

“Edgar Cayce: Before you will be the entities and those present in this room, seeking information on the most difficult financial and political crisis the world has ever faced. Please outline in detail a definite, feasible and applicable financial and political plan for how to establish earth balance and goodwill among the people. This information must be given in such a way that it can be presented to humanity in the form of a book so that it can be understood by a sick and panicky civilization.
There are many things in this statement that are beyond the capabilities of information seekers. There is not much truth in the statement that the present situation is the most serious for the existing civilization, since this point was passed in the fall of the 29th (twenty-ninth), when everything was in the hands of two or three people - financial conditions and the situation in the world. They represented: two - one side, one - the dark side or dark forces. First of all there must be a return to standards that must be objective, and then a gradual work to establish credible, fair and applicable relationships in the world. They need to be considered (world relations) as a whole, and not as a whole; the conditions and circumstances of the present shape the financial and political conditions on earth. This should become the standard for many - those who represent the work on world relations on earth.

1. Question: Who are these three people who control the financial world in the present?
Edgar Cayce: Warburg, Mellon and Morgan.

2. Question: Please predict major events over the next fifty years affecting the well-being of the human race.
Edgar Cayce: This is best done after the great catastrophe that will come to the world in 36 (thirty-sixth), in the form of a clash of many forces that now exist as factors in world relations. The first known change would be the acceptance or rejection of world intervention, or a court of last resort for the world, in the present submitted by France - and rejected by America. A collision in the 36th (thirty-sixth) will change the world map.

3. Question: Name the forces that will collide in 1936.
Edgar Cayce: Close to 1936. There will be Russia, the United States, Japan and England or Great Britain.

4. Question: Who will control the forces?
Edgar Cayce: It depends on who is closer to the sources of power.

5. Question: What will be the events in the relations between China and Japan?
Edgar Cayce: International intervention will open up part of China, and finally destroy China or Japan as a nation.

6. Question: What should be the attitude of the so-called capitalist peoples towards Russia?

7. Question: Should the United States recognize the existing government in Russia?
Edgar Cayce: There are a lot of conditions to consider, it was that to be answered correctly. You can say yes or no, and in both cases be right, with the existing attitude of both peoples as nations, and both answers may turn out to be wrong; as it comes and it will come - a complete change in the relationship of both nations, as forces in the financial and economic world. In terms of raw materials, Russia is superior to all other peoples. In terms of the ability to develop this, the United States is far ahead. When united on an equal basis, they can become powerful forces; but there are many obstacles on these issues, and it will take years for things to work out.

8. Question: Will Italy adopt a more liberal form of government in the near future?
Edgar Cayce: Rather it will be closer to a monarchical government than a liberal one. Italy, too, will be crushed by what is now an insignificant or small force. This will not come until the catastrophe of 36 years, which will arise due to the displacement of the equilibrium of the earth in space. "
* * *

Second: Text of Reading 452-6.
This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Arctic Crescent, November 29, 1932, in accordance with questions asked through his mother, an active member of the Ass "n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc."
In attendance: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor Gladys Davis, stenographer; LB Casey, Mildred Davis.
Reading Time 11:50 - 12:25

“Gertrude Cayce: Before you there will be a body and an inquiring mind, seeking to understand the information given to it through these same sources. You will answer the questions he presented as I ask them.

Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have information that can be given to the questioning mind. In the search for understanding, a large amount of effort, both mental and spiritual, must be made to move forward, which is necessary to search for material things that can enlighten the mind. Ready for questions.

1. Question: Henry Holt cannot give any information about the book of the Bishop of the Anglican Church. Please name the Bishop, date of publication and publisher.
Edgar Cayce: Since the Bishop refused to identify himself in the publication of both books, why should this be changed here if we are to maintain honesty and order?
The first book was published in 1916 by Henry Holt in England. The second was published in 1919 by Dodd, Mead and Co. in America, under the heading Spiritual Reconstruction.
Books can be obtained through the usual channels (from publishers), or can be found in the best libraries. They lead to vast experiences that are dubious in terms of the body, but will be found to prepare the mind for awakening, just as the Bishop was awakened.

2. Question: The book of Ecco - from the Wurttemberg press - if it was published in English or German, in what year and by whom?
Edgar Cayce: Ecco Homo published in Germany; withdrawn, preserved in many of the oldest libraries, or may have been obtained from communities associated with the church. If the body wants to know more about this, ask through Father Hayes [Father Patrick Joseph Hayes, American Cardinal].
It can also be found in many of the records kept by the prelates of various churches in various countries.
For this body, searching for these two books and studying them, especially in conjunction with their interpretation of Mark and John, can bring experiences that will form the basis for extensive activity. Since in the search for knowledge there are no sacraments that are open only to those who have prepared themselves to be worthy of this knowledge, but these are the sacraments of life, act with the desire that no one should be lost, but that everyone should draw near and know the saving mercy in the Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world.
As I have already managed to experience the essence on myself, in each generation there are very few of those who accept such. What awaits them, who rejected it in their lives? Are they doomed to perish? They have no chance? Ekko Homo shows why He went to hell, as explained by Mark, Matthew and John, to preach there. Isn't this also evident from the explanations that can be found in various texts given by Him to the patriarchs of antiquity? their joy in His days; they called Him God, although He was in the flesh, Son; they said that all the joys that can be experienced in this material world come through the knowledge of love, in the sacrifice made by His life on earth.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." What kind of behavior should they accept?
Only the pure in heart can see God. People in any life situations are saved by believing in the purity of their souls through the patience of their bodies in the material world.

3. Question: Name other books of the Catholic faith mentioned in my reading in August 1932 [see p. 452-3, par. 14-A.]
Edgar Cayce: Let's not rush. As we said, gradually study what is given and more of what is written by those who are close to it. Study not what others say, but what you have found in your own experience, from what John gave in relation to His words, from what Mark gave in relation to His works, His actions; for there is light in Him.

4. Question: What should I study to prepare myself to become the overseer of those who minister in various countries, as suggested in the August 1932 reading?
Edgar Cayce: Reports and Requirements for All Different Areas that Different Churches or Organizations Use. The reports are not the reports these organizations provide, but rather the reports that are part of the State Department's records of mission activity in various countries.

5. Question: Where is the best place to study these questions?
Edgar Cayce: Where can I find this information? They are, as indicated, kept in government departments, or in collections of information dedicated to international activities in these various areas.

6. Question: Regarding the January 1932 readings on life, what kind of work and in what areas is required of the entity? [Cm. 452-1.]
Edgar Cayce: As stated; knowledge in individual areas is required.

7. Question: How can I acquire the knowledge necessary for missionary work in various countries?
Edgar Cayce: The answer has just been given.

8. Question: How could an entity benefit from changing its name from John?
Edgar Cayce: How did Abraham benefit from the name change from Abram to Abraham? How did Paul benefit from changing his name from Saul to Paul? What is the difference in the names of Jewish children depending on their environment? Each name has an influence, which carries its own meaning and meaning, and which gives rather an impulse. So a name change creates a certain environment or vibrations that contribute to a change in the environment.

9. Question: What is the aura of the body?
Edgar Cayce: Blue to Purple.

10. Question: In what months and years will the body make the most progress, both materially and spiritually?
Edgar Cayce: They are, as indicated and as given, rather forming; rather than influencing changes in the material, mental or spiritual terms; they are in the same category as numerological or astrological influences. Their influence on the activity produced by a person during certain periods acts as stimuli during certain periods.
As can be seen for this entity, they are located on opposite sides of the annual cycle; and with respect to year, are multiples of various combinations of birthday, month, and year. They do not carry their influence. Influence is being created. As an illustration: A person builds a certain environment for himself in a certain setting by visiting certain places, certain lands or houses. So for a certain environment or environment, a certain influence is natural. Thus, with cycles of time, or with periods of a year, month, day, hour, the influence of these conditions is reflected in a person's appearance.

11. Question: Should the body get married?
Edgar Cayce: If it chooses it! [Cm. 452-7.]

12. Question: Where can I find my wife?
Edgar Cayce: Among those who like spiritually and physically.

13. Question: In what months and years should the body be especially careful?
Edgar Cayce: Those that are in opposition or in conjunction with those that have the best influence; as they come or go.

14. Question: Give astrological cycles in this life and the main characteristics of each.
Edgar Cayce: They were identified in the psychological impact information.

15. Question: How can the body achieve greater balance and self-control?
Edgar Cayce: Becoming less and less selfish and more and more aspiring to desire, to create in oneself a channel of blessing for others - in Him, in Christ.

16. Question: How can the body develop great love, as Christ taught?
Edgar Cayce: Practicing the same; because, as He gave, we grow gradually, step by step, command after command, using what is in our hands; because when we use what is at hand we get knowledge and understanding. When you use what is at hand, more is given: "For whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him." This is the law!

17. Question: What prompts the body to its negative attitude and how can this be corrected?
Edgar Cayce: This is an imaginary problem; as these relationships (positive or negative) play out in the love of fulfilling His covenants in every act.

18. Question: What leader or teacher could lead the body along its path?
Edgar Cayce: He! In him! Along the paths given by Him! Do not be satisfied with anything less than Him as your teacher, day and night! Let the thought always be with you: “If His presence is not with me day after day, how can I ascend”!

19. Question: What book on psychology would benefit the body?
Edgar Cayce: The Psychology of Life; preferably given by John - in the Gospel of John. This is the psychology of life; how does it start? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

20. Question: Which part of the New Testament specifically speaks of reincarnation?
Edgar Cayce: John. Parts 6 - 8, 3 - 5. Everything else in general.

21. Question: What will be the religious development of the churches in the United States in the next 4 years?

* * *

Third: text reading 3976-29.
This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the Association's office in Arctic Crescent, June 22, 1944, prior to the Association's Thirteenth Annual Congress, in response to questions from those in attendance.
In attendance: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor Gladys Davis and Mildred Tancy, stenographers.
Reading time 15:30

Gertrude Cayce: Through this channel it has been said that much can be given regarding what the vibrations of nations, like people, can mean. You will provide information regarding these vibrations and their connection with the spirit of various nations, especially in relation to the seven sins and twelve virtues of the human family, which will be useful for us as an organization and for people in our attempt to be a channel of good deeds for our fellows. Then you will answer any questions that may arise.

Edgar Cayce: When we consider the periods of human evolution on earth, what is given to us as to why people should be divided into languages, into nations, into groups? "So that they do not ignore God in their foolish wisdom." What is meant here? That a man, seeking his satisfaction in the passions of the flesh, could ignore God on earth. What was the person endowed with his Creator? Everything that was necessary for each individual soul - an entity to be a companion to God. And this is God's desire for man.
Thus, when man began to ignore God on earth, and the disorder arose, which is represented by the Tower of Babel, this is a representation of what was at the beginning of the founding of nations. Nations were settled in different parts of the earth, and each group, one stronger than the other, began to seek its own satisfaction. His ways have been changed. This does not mean that God decided to hide something good from man, while man was and will be the one who uses this living soul as a companion to God. This is God's purpose. This should be the goal of the person.
What can be said about the application of this principle today? Each nation has its own standards of human activity in relation to this idea, or people live for themselves or in some other nations prepare themselves for partnership with God. Remember, there are immutable laws. God is the law. The law is God. Love is the law. Love is God. There are different ideas about these laws in the hearts and minds of people, about where and how they are applied. Just as in the old days, the nature of flesh, human flesh and its nature has not changed, but the spirit creates life. Truth makes her free. As well as throughout the ages, so in the present, someone is looking for a definition of the idea of ​​a nation, these people, a certain symbol that can represent these people in the days of their fathers on the land called America.
What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say "freedom." Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in different ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want? The basic principles cannot be applied with any dogmas and doctrines, except with the principle of freedom. God intended man to be free and gave man the will, and even the will to reject God. God did not want any soul to perish, but with each trial or temptation he prepared the way for salvation.
In different periods of man's revelation, there were teachers who proclaimed: "This is the way you should know," but the way was found in the Teacher of Teachers, He who fulfilled the law in Himself. When God said, “Let there be light,” light was shed on what He created, which was without form and was emptiness, and it became the Word, and the Word settled among people, and people did not notice it. The Word still lives among people today, and many people do not notice it.
Those nations that have taken those vows that a person should be free must also take an oath: "He must know the truth and the truth must make him free."
What can be given to you today? Here's your lesson: Hear everyone! Beware that you, as an individual soul, son, daughter of God, fail in your mission in the earth today; the ones you know, the ones you contact, must know the truth about God, not in grandiloquent words, but in longsuffering, in the harmony that you create in your own lives, it must start with you. God showed you the pattern, Jesus, who became the Christ so that you can have the protection of the Father, for the Father said that the day you eat of the tree of knowledge for your own exaltation, you will die. But the one who convinced the souls that God breathed into beings in order to push them in the desire for self-expression, self-indulgence, complacency, said: "No, you will not die," or what was then the actions of a person, about which it is said: years, and a thousand years as one day. "
What was the length of life back then? Almost a thousand years. What is your life today? Maybe it will not be the same as He gave, as He pointed out to those nations, as He gave to the legislators, just as He gave to David - first from a thousand years to one hundred and twenty, then to eighty? Why? Why? Man's sin is in his desire for self-gratification.
What do the nations of the earth radiate today in the direction of the things they have and create on their own land, to their own environment? Pay attention to the nations where the lifespan is increased from sixty to eight or four? of the year. You will judge who serves God. These are judgments. They are signs for those who seek to know, who studies heaven, who analyzes the elements, who will know the heart of man, they who seek to know the Father's will for themselves, saying: “Lord, here I am, use me, send me where I am needed. "
Just as before, these are the principles of the existing conflict. The freedom given to a person is taken away. By whom? To those who said, "You will not die." There are two principles, two conflicting forces on earth today: the prince of this world, and the principle that says to every soul: "Take courage, I have conquered the world, and the prince of this world has nothing in me." Can you tell it? You should! It is your hope that "the prince of this world, Satan, the old serpent, has nothing in any desire of my mind, my heart, my body that I would not control." These are principles.
What about the nations? Hope for the world will come from Russia; this is not what is sometimes called communism, or bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Each person will live for his fellow man! This principle was born. Years will pass for it to crystallize, but hope for peace will again come from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on the money of which is written: "In God We Trust" ("In God We Trust").
In the application of these principles, in these forms and ways in which the nations of the earth measure their activities, truly, to be sure, America can boast, but rather, this principle is forgotten and it is America's sin.
So in England where ideas come from - not ideals - ideas to be a little better than your fellow. You must grow to a state where you deserve the right to be known, the right to receive. It was, and it is, the sin of England.
In France, which was first addressed by this principle, which is to satisfy the desires of the body, it is a sin in France.
In this nation, in which the first Rome was, when these principles were deployed there, their rise, their fall, what caused their fall? The same as in Babylon. Disagreements, actions generated by them, slavery; few could be in agreement, some could even proclaim their involvement with higher powers. Because they had a path in which there was a right to a person, at the end of this death. This is the sin of Italy.
Sin of China? There is peace here, which preserves itself within, condemning to slow growth. There has been growth, movement through the land for centuries, but now there is peace, content with its own limits. One day there will be an awakening and he will cut his hair! He will start thinking and doing things! And here one day will be the cradle of Christianity. It is a long time for man, but only one day in the heart of God - tomorrow China will awaken. Let every soul, coming to understanding, do something in its heart.
Just like in India, it is the cradle of knowledge that is not applied anywhere except within its own limits. What is India's sin? Ego, and let's drop the "ism" - only the ego.
Apply the truth in your own life. What is truth? This may have been answered by an entity standing at the crossroads of the world, waiting for a response. This soul purified itself and gave a new commandment: "Love one another!"
What is behind this all? "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength; you shall love your neighbor as yourself." All other theories that can be invented by man are nothing. Love your neighbor as yourself day after day, just like Christ, who chose to die on the cross, to the world that could be His without a struggle.
Know that as He had His cross, so you have yours. You can accept this with a smile. You can, if you let Him carry it with you. Do it".
* * *

So, in the text of reading 3976-10 about Russia it says:
“Question: What should be the attitude of the so-called capitalist peoples towards Russia?
Edgar Cayce: There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of nations that will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better during the period of gradual change and the final establishment of the rules governing the order in the world.

Question: Should the United States recognize the existing government in Russia?
Edgar Cayce: There are a lot of conditions to consider, it was that to be answered correctly. You can say yes or no, and in both cases be right, with the existing attitude of both peoples as nations, and both answers may turn out to be wrong; as it comes and it will come - a complete change in the relationship of both nations, as forces in the financial and economic world. In terms of raw materials, Russia is superior to all other peoples. In terms of the ability to develop this, the United States is far ahead. When united on an equal basis, they can become powerful forces; but there are many obstacles on these issues, and it will take years for everything to work out. "

Reading 452-6 says:
“Question: What will be the religious development of the US churches in the next 4 years?
Edgar Cayce: It depends on the activity of too many individuals to be predicted at the present time; changes are coming, you can be sure - an evolution or a revolution in ideas about religious thought. The foundations for this for the whole world will eventually come from Russia; not communism, but rather what is the basis of the same thing, what Christ taught - his kind of communism! "

Reading 3976-29 says:
“What about the nations? Hope for the world will come from Russia; this is not what is sometimes called communism, or bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Each person will live for his fellow man! This principle was born. Years will pass for it to crystallize, but hope for peace will again come from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: "In God We Trust". "
* * *
It should be paid "special" attention that Edgar Cayce himself understood the "spiritual awakening" of Russia as the spread in it of that faith, or, at least, spiritually close ideas that he himself shared. That is, the spread in Russia of one of the currents of Protestantism called "Christian Baptism".
But this is not the main thing, but the fact that this prediction had a continuation, which for some reason our "admirers of creativity" Edgar Cayce is missing. In addition to the USSR, Cayce's prediction also spoke about China, at that time an ally in the anti-Hitler and anti-Japanese coalition [let's not forget, at that time there was a war not only in Europe, but also in the Pacific Ocean].
Here is a continuation of this forecast:
“Sin of China? There is peace here, which preserves itself within, condemning to slow growth. There has been growth, movement through the land for centuries, but now there is peace, content with its own limits. One day there will be an awakening and he will cut his hair! He will start thinking and doing things! And here one day will be the cradle of Christianity. It is a long time for man, but only one day in the heart of God - tomorrow China will awaken. Let every soul, coming to understanding, do something in its heart. "

As you can see, the internal war in China is predicted - right. Indeed, in China, after the defeat of Japan, there was a war between the Communists of Mao Zedong and the Kuomintang Chai Kang Shi. The communists cut off the traditional Chinese braids. The war ended with the fact that the Kuomintang, defeated by the communists, fled from mainland China to the island of Taiwan. As a result, after 1949, the regime of an absolute communist dictatorship triumphed in China, with all its dire consequences for the Chinese.
Since the second part of the predictions of the apologists of "the theology of the king-redeemer" does not suit, our "admirers of creativity" Edgar Cayce miss it.
Therefore, the phrase: “He [China] will start thinking and doing things! And here one day there will be a cradle of Christianity [...] ”, remade to:“ Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes. However, it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope [...]
After 2010, the former USSR will revive, but will revive in a new form [...]
It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world [...] ”, indicating specific dates.
At the same time, the authors of the "new reading of creativity" by Edgar Cayce forgot about his prediction:
“Again with regard to the physical changes: the earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is to sink into the sea. The upper part of Europe will be changed in no time. The lands will appear off the east coast of America. There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctica, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - so that cold or subtropical climates become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there. These changes will begin in the period from "58 to" 98, this will be the period when His light will again be seen in the clouds [...] ”(text of reading 3976-15).
As you know, in 1955, by the first decade of the prophet's death, his American "followers" based on the "readings" made a map of the world for 2000. A third of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the entire Baltic region, most of England and Japan, half of Denmark, Holland, Belgium, etc., in Russia, St. Petersburg and the overwhelming part of all coastal regions (these are the territories that should have already left under water as a result of geoplanetary cataclysms).
In addition, earthquakes unprecedented in the history of mankind were to split the western regions of the United States, South America and eastern Africa into parts in the period 1998-2000, and the cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Mexico City and dozens of others. Further than this large-scale cataclysm, the "sleeping prophet" did not look.
That is, in 1945 all Edgar Cayce's "predictions" ended in 2000, the question is: Where did the continuation come from? What is the source?
These are the facts, there are no prophecies from Edgar Cayce about the future great tsar from Russia.
And again, questions arise before the Russian public:
Why is there a massive mystification of prophecies in the country today?
As foreign prophecies, heterogeneous in content, we adapt towards "our own glorification", turning out to be already similar to each other.
When, by whom and why Edgar Cayce's phrase: “There will be changes in the Arctic and Antarctica, leading to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - so that a cold or subtropical climate becomes more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there ... These changes will begin in the period from "58 to" 98, this will be the period when His light will again be seen in the clouds [...] "was changed or, if you want, we will change to a verb - clarified, to the phrase:" Will not have time to end The 20th century, like the collapse of communism in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, is not waiting for progress, but a very difficult crisis [...], but after 2010 the former USSR will revive, but will revive in a new form [...]
It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world [...] ”?
If the prediction of a famous seer fifty years later by a second person or a group of persons is specified, supplemented, concretized, systematized [you can choose any other verb by the meaning], then what is the name of such an operation, and can you believe the “specified” prophecy after that?
* * *

Many prophets who are known all over the world promise a huge number of disasters for the first half of this century. Their predictions come true selectively: some predicted cataclysms that never happened, while others predicted crises and conflicts that we can observe in the modern world.

One way or another, the interest in predictions among people is now quite large.

One of the famous world prophets is Edgar Cayce. His paranormal abilities have long been recognized - the man possessed the gift of healing and clairvoyance.

Falling into a hypnotic sleep, Casey gave predictions for the future, among which were predictions about world wars and economic crises.

Edgar Cayce biography

This fortuneteller was born in America, Kentucky, in 1877. The personality of the prophet is shrouded in mystery - until the end it is not known for certain at what age he had the gift of clairvoyance and after what incident. According to those who knew Casey from childhood, he was a bit of a strange child and talked about meetings with the spirits of deceased relatives.

One of the versions about the manifestation of the gift of healing and clairvoyance says that Edgar was able to predict the future after an injury sustained during a baseball game. Then he hit his spine hard, as a result of which he began to behave inappropriately. He spoke incoherent things and grimaced.

After a while, Casey developed a fever. The boy suffered from a high temperature and asked his parents to make him a special compress. The parents decided to try it and the fever was completely gone overnight. After that, Edgar Cayce began to be recognized as a healer.

According to another version, Edgar suffered from laryngitis as a child. This disease could not be completely cured, due to which the child lost his voice. They tried to return it in various ways and in the end decided to turn to a hypnotherapist.

The doctor put Casey into a hypnotic sleep and the voice gradually returned. Once the boy was in this state with other patients of the doctor and began to voice the names of their diseases.

In the future, the healer often fell into hypnotic sleep in order to take advantage of his exceptional abilities. He often began to prophesy while in this state. It was recorded because Casey himself could not remember anything after coming out of hypnotic sleep.

The fulfilled predictions of Edgar Cayce

Why is the name of this prophet so popular and trusted by society? The fact is that Casey predicted big events that took place in the 20th century:

  • the beginning of two world wars;
  • the fall of fascism and communism;

  • the development of China;
  • rapid scientific progress;
  • The Great Depression.

Casey's predictions for 2019

Like many other famous prophets, Edgar Cayce did not name the exact dates of the occurrence of this or that event. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty when those predictions that have not yet occurred in the world will come true.

First of all, the seer warned us about the threat of serious cataclysms. What exactly will happen cannot be said. Edgar talked about possible changes in the earth's crust. The cracks that will appear in it will cause serious changes around the world: some territories will rise from under the water column, and some, on the contrary, will go to the bottom.

The hardest hit may be the United States and Japan. Large tracts of land in these states will be completely flooded. Cities like New York and San Francisco are in danger of disappearing from the world's maps forever. Also, the danger lies in wait for the northern countries of the European continent. Floods can befall their lands too. Among the states that will be affected by the floods, Edgar Cayce includes Greenland.

In parallel with these phenomena, changes in the climate will occur. According to the prophet's forecasts, the Earth will experience global warming in the 21st century. In a number of countries, the temperate climate will change to tropical and people will have to get used to new conditions. Such changes will force the inhabitants of Europe and South America to leave their homes and seek refuge in those lands where climatic conditions remain milder.

All these natural disasters will lead to the fact that a part of humanity will improve and form a new race. Its representatives will be stronger. They will also have a highly developed ability to regenerate the body.

Predictions for Russia

In his prophecies, Cayce mentioned Russia more than once. First, the seer argued that it was from this country that a new worldview would enter the world, on which the political system would be built in the future.

He clarified that this is not about communism, but about a fundamentally new system, which is based on the freedom of the individual. The time will end when the rulers profited from the poor. But to achieve this, you will have to go through a difficult time.

Secondly, Edgar Cayce argued that Russian lands will become a refuge for many people after cataclysms. The lands located beyond the Urals will not suffer so much from disasters, and therefore millions of people will find new housing there.

It is worth noting that other prophets voiced similar ones. For example, Michel Nostradamus argued that after large-scale cataclysms, the mass development of Siberia would begin, which would later become a new center of humanity.

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The article was written specifically for the site "2019 Year of the Pig": https: // site /